Nintendo 3DS Gets Covered in Myst

By Adam Riley 01.01.2012 5

Nintendo 3DS Gets Covered in Myst on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Following the release of Myst DS back in 2007, Hoplite Research had hoped to bring more of the Myst world to the portable scene. However, considering publisher Midway took a turn for the worse, plans did not pan out quite as smoothly as imagined.

Now, though, the team is back with Maximum Family Games in tow for what will hopefully be a more faithful port of the classic abstract puzzle adventure (the DS game had issues due to cartridge size restrictions). The 3DS version contains all the same content from the 1993 original, however it now includes 3D support. Development is being handled by Hoplite Research, LLC.

Myst is expected to be a big hit with Nintendo 3DS players. It takes everything we all know and love about the Myst series and gives it a 3D facelift. The original Myst for PC systems was a groundbreaking game that brought the fantasy-adventure genre to mainstream casual gaming. The new Myst honours that history by reintroducing this well-known franchise to younger generations.
- Len Ciciretto, President of MFG.


Myst for 3DS is due out on 27th March, 2012 in the US, whilst pqube is handling the European edition at a so far unspecified date.

Box art for Myst

Hoplite Research







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  4/10

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Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (1 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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OH MY FREAKING GOD. I must have this. Smilie

Though I'm a huge Myst fan, I was kinda hoping they would give the 3DS version the same graphics from realMYST.

( Edited 01.01.2012 17:05 by SteveO526 )

"You make me want to play Russian Roulette with a glock. By myself."

I've just added the first screens as well. The DS version was good, but limited because Midway only gave the developer a certain amount of room to play with. This version should be much smoother!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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robin (guest) 01.01.2012#3

I'm there! I knew there was a good reason for me to buy 3DS

Hmmmm....I wonder if these guys will ever do anything new? I sure hope so & would like to see a new I.P., even if it's in the same vain as Myst & their other game.....Raven something.

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Vorash Kadan said:
Hmmmm....I wonder if these guys will ever do anything new? I sure hope so & would like to see a new I.P., even if it's in the same vain as Myst & their other game.....Raven something.

My thoughts, right there ! How many times can they remake the same game ???

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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