Kid Icarus: Uprising was one of the key games discussed during Nintendo Direct earlier this week with company president Satoru Iwata confirming new details plus popping on a new gameplay montage.
The much anticipated modern take on the iconic Kid Icarus franchise finds protagonist Pit battling the forces of a reborn Medusa in both the air and on foot. Alongside a chunky solo campaign, Nintendo this week confirmed competitive online functionality that could have been omitted given the publisher's unpredictable approach to playing online.
For those wanting to wirelessly battle chums over the internet, you can compete in a series of 3vs3 matches or an all out battle royale - these features will also be available in the previously confirmed local play as well.
March 22nd 2012 is the day to start picking up the game over in Japan, the following day on the 23rd in North America with a currently unconfirmed March date for Europe.