Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Special Trailer

By Az Elias 19.12.2011 4

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Special Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Following on from the news that more playable characters will be unlockable in Square Enix's Final Fantasy rhythm game, the team have updated their official website with a "Special Trailer" for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy.

The video gives a much more in depth look in to how gameplay will work, with players tapping, strumming and rolling their stylus correctly over three different areas in the main game - Field, Battle and Event. Each area uses themes from their respective Final Fantasy game, feature four characters in the battles that level up afterwards, and play cut-scenes from past FF games in the background. Summons can also be called to rack up big points.

The trailer also reveals a couple more tracks that we didn't previously know would be in the game, such as FFX's Mi'ihen Highroad, FFVII's Aerith's Theme and FFV's Mambo de Chocobo.

Check out the trailer below for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy, which launches in Japan next year on February 16th for Nintendo 3DS. What are your thoughts on how the game is turning out?

Box art for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy



Square Enix





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The art style STILL rubs me the wrong way but I'm starting to show a certain interest in this game...

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
The art style STILL rubs me the wrong way but I'm starting to show a certain interest in this game...

At last :] I've backed this right from the start, but people should definitely take interest in this, and even more so if you're an FF fan. Games like this that don't take themselves so seriously should be welcomed into the world. This gives the fans a chance to have fun with their favourite music and characters.

Hadn't been too interested in this...but after that trailer, I'm definitely in! This looks amazing - especially those hectic boss battles Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Any game that celebrates the wonderful music of Final Fantasy is an instant buy for me. The game is looking amazing past the creepy faced characters. Smilie

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