Is Your Homework Haunted? Try the Spirit Camera on 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.12.2011

Is Your Homework Haunted? Try the Spirit Camera on 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Using the dog as an excuse for casually forgetting to do work is a tad outdated. How about claiming your notebook is haunted?

Nintendo and Tecmo Koei are working together to create a unique 3DS experience that relies heavily on AR and the use of what may look like a regular old notebook, or in this case, game manual. Bundled in with Spirit Photography: The Possessed Notebook is a specifically designed book that's vital in getting you through the spooky adventure - simply point the 3DS's cameras towards set pages and voila.

Ghosts and other ghouls pop out from the pages - and you'll need to use this to help solve the mysteries of this possessed text and break a deadly curse. Friends can join in on the action with a camera mode to snap the living with the virtual dead.

Image for Is Your Homework Haunted? Try the Spirit Camera on 3DS
Image for Is Your Homework Haunted? Try the Spirit Camera on 3DS

Spirit Photography: The Possessed Notebook is due out January 12 in Japan.

Box art for Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir
Also known as

Shinrei Camera: Tsuiteru Techou


Tecmo Koei







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Rated $score out of 10  2/10 (1 Votes)

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