Nintendo TV, Eurosport now in 3D on 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.12.2011 1

Nintendo TV, Eurosport now in 3D on 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Your 3DS is now a haven of 3D content, with episodes from Eurosport and the Official Nintendo Magazine out this week.

When the console was announced, a slew of channels and shows were promised for owners to experience 3D television on the move. So far we've had a handful of trailers and regularly updated content via a dedicated Nintendo Video app.

The trend continues with the release of the new Eurosport app which contains a handful of clips from the WATTS show - essentially a montage of funny sporting outtakes and thrilling sport action. The videos are all free to download and are rendered in rather scrumptious 3D.

Nintendo also launched the monthly Nintendo TV programme with the latest trailers and news now in 3D via the eShop (and not the video app, oddly).


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I downloaded it, I watched it, I deleted it. It's shite. Smilie Eurosport that is.

( Edited 16.12.2011 20:00 by Trepe )

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