Introducing the Golden Wii Nunchuk

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.12.2011 11

Introducing the Golden Wii Nunchuk on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ever thought the nunchuk should also be dipped in gold to complement your Skyward Sword remote? Nintendo has the answer.

First Goldeneye 007 took the initiative to bathe in a sea of exquisite gold...dye, with The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword also getting a taste with the limited-edition Wii Remote Plus. There's even a golden Wii Wheel for Mario Kart. In comparison, the nunchuk looks a little, well, standard.

Club Nintendo members in Japan can complete the set by adopting a rare golden nunchuk for 600 points. Similar promotions are expected globally, but haven't yet been confirmed.

Image for Introducing the Golden Wii Nunchuk
Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword





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want want want want want want want want

Definitely using some points on this if it comes stateside.

this is the last thing I need!!

I sure hope this reaches the European Club Nintendo... Though if it does, it'll probably have a high price tag.

But still, DO WANT!

ZOH MAI GAWD! Smilie Gimme! Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind. (guest) 15.12.2011#6

Why's the cord and Wii Remote buttons not gold but white? (guest) said:
Why's the cord and Wii Remote buttons not gold but white?

It looks a lot better. Once you have it in your hand, it's the sexiest thing in the world.

So, when is the golden Wii console coming out? :]

I own the Limited edition of Skyward Sword, and therefore the golden Wii RemotePlus, but I wondered why they would not add a golden Nunchuk as well. Hmm...

Should have been shipped with Zelda limited edition me thinks but oh well you can't have everything. How much will they charge for this, £30?

Probably about 5000 points in Europe!

Grimreaper (guest) 21.12.2011#11

Of course, oh well never going to get it not a "club" member. Smilie

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