Could Retro Do Legend of Zelda?

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.12.2011 18

Could Retro Do Legend of Zelda? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After working closely with Nintendo on various projects, could Texas-based Retro Studios help on a future Zelda game?

When fans pool together ideas on how to rejuvenate classic franchises, Retro often pop up as a candidate of choice to try and inject some freshness and Western perspective into tried-and-tested Nintendo games.

Image for Could Retro Do Legend of Zelda?

The studio has already had blessing from Nintendo, crafting the entire Metroid Prime series for GameCube, Wii, DS and putting together a selection of levels for Mario Kart 7. Recent comments from head-honcho Shigeru Miyamoto suggest that Retro may be the perfect candidate to sprinkle their magic on other Nintendo games like The Legend of Zelda.

As you know, we have already collaborated with Retro for the Metroid Prime series in the past. And I think when we talk about any other franchise, Zelda might be a possible franchise for that collaboration.

Would you like to see Retro or another Western studio become involved with Zelda? Could Retro craft a dungeon or two? Perhaps a weapon or helping with the art direction, characters etc.

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword





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This pleases me. Immensely.

Our member of the week

The studio has already had blessing from Nintendo, crafting the entire Metroid Prime series for GameCube, Wii, DS

Retro Studios isn't behind Metroid Prime Hunters. That was Nintendo Software Technology

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I have to say, I'm slightly damp in my pants right now.

( Edited 14.12.2011 23:13 by Echoes221 )

Kafei2006 said:
The studio has already had blessing from Nintendo, crafting the entire Metroid Prime series for GameCube, Wii, DS

Retro Studios isn't behind Metroid Prime Hunters. That was Nintendo Software Technology

Well - fair enough - but they did collaborate in the similar way to Mario Kart 7, helping out with the art direction and other bits and bobs.

Would like to see them take on more design for these Nintendo games - especially Zelda. If they put together a few dungeons and perhaps develop things that Nintendo aren't so hot on, like NPCs etc, that would be awesome. Would like to see Link visiting more abstract, ancient and remote places - outdoor dungeons, rather than really contained spaces/set of rooms.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

What? Don't give them just 1 weapon or 2 dungeons... Let them handle most of the game!! We all know they'll deliver gorgeous graphics, a great story and a fresh take on Zelda!

Well, I'm thinking maybe a good idea would be to let Retro develop a 3DS Zelda by themselves, just as Capcom did with the Oracles and Minish Cap. The Oracles are probably my fave 2D Zeldas, so I'm all for handing the series over to another dev if it means creating a fresh new take. But a joint collab between Nintendo and Retro for a console game would be just as brilliant too.

Could they not hand them Starfox instead? I think they could perhaps revitalise that instead. Unless Factor 5 are secretly chipping away at it...if that is the case then I would be happy to see;

Factor 5 = Starfox

I know retro usually get the job done well and right, but surely putting too much stock in them can be dangerous, i mean they've already revived metroid and donkey kong, im all for them making more games, but surely they cant give ALL the main franchises to them... why not something that needs a breath of freash air and not something so, already consistent. Not only that but, their 1 company out of many! i know their the best known and others have dissapointed but there are other untried companies. I'd rather Nintendo get brave and branch out, try new methods and not just throw their safe zone titles at their new safe zone developer. I mean what, Myamoto steps down so now Nintendo cant be ased to develope their own best sellers? feh!

and to think Nintendo bought Retro Studios for a mere $1 million.

I'd very much prefer them to revive starfox or fzero. Don't mind them collaborating on zelda aslong as they r working on starfox or fzero at the same time. Anything else would be a waste of resources

Its a complete unknown as they have done nothing like it before.
They did a superb job with Metroid, but this doesnt automaticaly transfere to other genre's.

Id rather see them do their own IP or ideas first.

Or at least, indeed, FZero or Starfox as a in-between step. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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They'd be better than Nintendo.

Why (guest) 15.12.2011#13

Retro > Nintendo. Their I said it!!

Echoes221 said:
I have to say, I'm slightly damp in my pants right now.

lol me too! Smilie

I seriously want to play a new metroid game though

I'd like them to do a "remix" of the main quest of a new Zelda game. After finishing the main story, a series of Mario Galaxy-esque missions where you'd have to seek out stars/shards etc in a dungeon. Really mix it up using what Nintendo had already built to make what would essentially be a whole new game - kinda like Master Quest, in a way, but with really small missions.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Eydi (guest) 16.12.2011#16

I like the Zelda franchise just the way it is. I never feel like I'm playing the same old game just because similar, er, same items appear over and over again. To me they confirm where I am in the game.

I think the very reason Zelda is so great is because EAD is behind it. I can't honestly think of any Zelda game that has let me down. If Zelda keeps going in this direction, with a few fresh and modern twists along the way it should do well enough to remain my very favorite game series, no matter console.(but no voice acting, please!)

Even though Capcom did a great job with 4 handheld Zelda's (All three Oricals & Minish Cap) Retro has proven themselves by doing what people thought was impossible...making Metroid WORK in 3D FPS form!!

I am SUUUUPER hyped about them taking the reigns for Zelda...esspeically after playing (a friend's) Mario Kart 7 & after Donkey Kong Country Returns & MY FAAAAVORITE Metroid Prime!! Zelda's in good hands...I assure you. Smilie

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

^ Two Oracle games :]

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