Free Zelda, Fire Emblem, F-Zero, Metroid and Mario Games for 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.12.2011 19

Free Zelda, Fire Emblem, F-Zero, Metroid and Mario Games for 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

3DS Ambassadors can nibble on a scrumptious set of free GBA games this Friday - Mario Kart, F-Zero, Zelda, Fire Emblem and more!

As a means of compensation for 3DS owners adopting the new hardware early and the early price-drop, Nintendo promised a bevvy of classic games for free. The first set arrived at the end of August, and the second selection includes nine essential Game Boy Advance games from Nintendo's own catalogue.

  • F-Zero Maximum Velocity
  • Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island
  • Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap
  • Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
  • Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
  • Mario Kart: Super Circuit
  • Mario vs. Donkey Kong
  • Metroid Fusion
  • Wario Land 4
  • WarioWare Inc: Mega Microgames
These will be available for 3DS Ambassadors to download, for free, from Friday December 16th in Europe and Japan. A North American date has yet to be set at time of writing, but a similar date is expected.

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Great list of games! Smilie If I had a 3DS, I'd get all giggly over it.

I've played a bit of most of these games, but only 1 of them I have completed.. which is Yoshi's Island (The SNES version).

Never played FE on the GBA, so if we get that, it'll be a nice addition and may encourage me to check out the other Fire Emblem games.

Overall, the list seems very solid.. I don't think I am disappointed in seeing any of these games. A hell of a lot better than the NES list, but getting 3D Classics: Kid Icarus for free makes up for that, I guess! Smilie

( Edited 14.12.2011 19:53 by Mush123 )

Canyarion said:
Great list of games! Smilie If I had a 3DS, I'd get all giggly over it.

Correction: If you had a 3DS eligible for the programme Smilie

I miss out on these, but I'm not too fussed. Played or own the ones I care about, except Mario vs DK. But everyone who is getting these will love them. Even if the GBA port of Yoshi's Island is inferior to the SNES one, it's still one of my fave platformers of all time. I've always believed MK Super Circuit is the best Mario Kart, single player-wise (haven't played it in years though so don't know how it holds up today), and Metroid Fusion is just fantastic.

December 16th? That is really soon!
I was a little dissapointed about the 10 NES-games, but this list really makes up for it!

The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap is the first Zelda game I ever completed, so I have a nostalgic relation to this game. Playing this again will be so good! (:
I also played Kirby & The Amazing Mirror, and it is one of my favourite Kirby games, and I can not wait to get to play it again! Kirby is so adorable! :]

Those two games are my highligts. But I would also enjoy playing the other games as well! Maybe except the Mario Kart one, ^__^

Azuardo said:
I miss out on these, but I'm not too fussed. Played or own the ones I care about, except Mario vs DK. But everyone who is getting these will love them. Even if the GBA port of Yoshi's Island is inferior to the SNES one, it's still one of my fave platformers of all time. I've always believed MK Super Circuit is the best Mario Kart, single player-wise (haven't played it in years though so don't know how it holds up today), and Metroid Fusion is just fantastic.

I'm sorry you miss out on these, Az. But aren't you glad I'm finally going to be able to play and complete some of these games? Smilie
That'll teach those bloody cleaners in Spain for nicking my GBA! D:<

Our member of the week

Azuardo said:
the GBA port of Yoshi's Island is inferior to the SNES one

The GBA port has exclusive extra levels though :p.

( Edited 14.12.2011 22:20 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Yeah, Mush, definitely happy you guys get to play games you haven't before. I'm always interested to know what others think of the games I love.

True, Kafei, forgot about those!

All. Will get. All of these. An exceptionally great list, every single title on there is brilliant. Top notch effort from Nintendo!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Kafei2006 said:
Azuardo said:
the GBA port of Yoshi's Island is inferior to the SNES one

The GBA port has exclusive extra levels though :p.

Considering I've only ever completed the SNES version, it'll be nice to see how the GBA version differs from it. Smilie

If you played the SNES one yonks ago, you probably won't notice much difference. But the main differences are less colourful graphics, inferior quality music and a smaller screen size. However, it's not such a massive deal at all.

Canyarion said:
Great list of games! Smilie If I had a 3DS, I'd get all giggly over it.

absolutely! I know som people who have a 3ds they just make me jealous. :-Smilie
Will you be gtting a 3ds soon? I am thinking of getting one for christmas maybe. it's a lot of money tough......

Fantastic! These are all great games, and three of them I've never played but always wanted! Can't wait to download them. ^_^


Chance favors the prepared mind.

If anyone wanted to know how many blocks each game takes.. here you go.

Minish Cap: 148 blocks
Fire Emblem: 280 blocks
Mario vs DK: 145 blocks
Kirby: 148 blocks
WarioWare: 78 blocks
Metroid: 84 blocks
Yoshi's Island: 80 blocks
Wario Land 4: 79 blocks
Mario Kart: 49 blocks
F-Zero: 47 blocks

Thanks go out to Mario_Party_Fan_999 of NintendoLife.

( Edited 15.12.2011 22:04 by Mush123 )

Minish Cap, Yoshi's Island & Fire Emblem are my favs!! I'd also list Metroid Zero Mission...if it was offered but I'm glad I got Fusion for free since I'd never want to pay for that one...bleeegh!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
Minish Cap, Yoshi's Island & Fire Emblem are my favs!! I'd also list Metroid Zero Mission...if it was offered but I'm glad I got Fusion for free since I'd never want to pay for that one...bleeegh!!
Isn't Fusion meant to be really good? I've never played it myself, but it looks great. I'll probably play some Fusion another time, after I'm finished with Minish Cap. (Which I haven't played at all today. Smilie)

( Edited 19.12.2011 22:16 by Mush123 )

Fusion's awesome mate. More linear than the likes of Super Metroid on SNES, but retains the exact same gameplay and damn pure fun. The perfect game for speed running too! I would do multiple speed runs a day trying to clock under an hour to beat the game. Loved it so much.

Azuardo said:
Fusion's awesome mate. More linear than the likes of Super Metroid on SNES, but retains the exact same gameplay and damn pure fun. The perfect game for speed running too! I would do multiple speed runs a day trying to clock under an hour to beat the game. Loved it so much.
Yeah, that's what I thought. My mate had it on GBA and he said he loved it. I've heard a lot of good things about it too. Still have to finish off Metroid, then start on Metroid 2 as well. Haha.

Did you play Super Metroid on SNES?

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