Xenoblade Coming to North America

By Az Elias 02.12.2011 12

Xenoblade Coming to North America on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

There is big news for North American Nintendo fans, as it looks like Xenoblade Chronicles will finally be coming to the continent!

After a user on NeoGAF posted what is believed to be a release list for GameStop, there was an entry titled "Xenoblade Chronicles GS Exclusive" and a release date of April 3rd 2012.

Since then, Nintendo has added three pieces of concept art from the game to its Facebook page, cementing the fact that one of this generation's best JRPGs will be coming to North America at long last.

And now an official game page at the Nintendo website for Xenoblade has been put up, revealing that the game will only be available to order from GameStop and Nintendo itself. A release period of April 2012 is also up there.

Whether Operation Rainfall had any effect on the decision to bring Xenoblade to North America is unknown. Nor do we know if the other two games in the operation, The Last Story and Pandora's Tower, will be released there either. But this is still great news that one of the games of the generation will get the North American release it deserves.

Check out our review of this fantastic game here, which we awarded 10/10.

How do our North American readers feel about the news that Xenoblade will be coming out there after months of persuading, Nintendo bashing and sadness? Share your thoughts below!

Box art for Xenoblade Chronicles
Also known as







Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (10 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Saw this coming. Nintendo has to release something between Skyward Sword and Wii U, and big RPGs fans are freaking the hell out over will do just fine Smilie

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From Nintendo's product page for the game:

Image for
3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

This news makes me one happy clam!

I was just starting to lose faith in NOA's decisions but it looks like they were just taking their time to release this. I hope the other 2 big RPGs are on their way too.

Happy as heck.
I never condoned those certain members of Operation Rainfall for bashing on Nintendo - and I find it sad that people think that's what OR was all about.

:/ It's what happens when you mix the internet with anything: You're always going to have a majority of idiots screaming at the top of their lungs for the first few months.

Everything has a consequence and a reward.

Haleluia PRAISE BE THE LORD!!!! How dare you toy with me on this Nintendo...you BETTER provide some STELLAR voice actors to make it up to me.

Hire Mark Hammel & Cam Clark I DEMAND IT!!!!!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Nintendo have released a new trailer for it also.

@Vorash Kadan

It's the European version - English dub. It will only be sold via Nintendo mail order and GameStop.

( Edited 03.12.2011 09:55 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Vorash Kadan said:
Haleluia PRAISE BE THE LORD!!!! How dare you toy with me on this Nintendo...you BETTER provide some STELLAR voice actors to make it up to me.

Hire Mark Hammel & Cam Clark I DEMAND IT!!!!!!

By the looks of it they're sticking with the NOE voice acting. Which is actually really good once you get into it.

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NNID: Stulaw

The European voices are very good. Stop nagging. And they fit the feeling of the game too. Many say the Jap voices are best, but many of them are probably "Japanophiles" thinking everything Japan is better than the West. Oh well...

On-topic: It finally happened. Happy for the Americans. It's an amazing game, but it needs time and effort. But will they release The Last Story and Pandora's Tower too?

Ok thanks I feel better about the voice acting then. It's just that bad voice acting can seriously ruin an otherwise great RPG...as Baten Kaitos has proven.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Phew! Finally a decision for one of three big releases - Nintendo should definitely bring over the others, proven market for it. Else people will just end up downloading and Homebrewing it.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I love the fact its labeled as having Partial Nudity ...I think thats going to dissapoint some people. Smilie

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