Nintendo Pushing Wii during Japan Holiday Season

By Az Elias 28.11.2011 3

Nintendo Pushing Wii during Japan Holiday Season on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The holiday season is getting closer and Nintendo are taking the opportunity to attempt to drive home some more Wii sales in Japan by releasing a set of family-oriented TV adverts. Clearly focusing on the fact that the Wii is indeed meant for everyone, the commercials show families and friends getting together to have fun and play games such as Wii Party, Kirby's Adventure Wii and Just Dance Wii.


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How dare they advertize Kirby's Adventure Wii? Rayman Origins is 4x better.

Mmmm, advertising advertisements. Thrilling news.

Did anyone see that advert of the 2 girls playing Wii whilst having sex with a guy? Now that I think about it I think it was some kind of porn video...

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