Jungle Kartz Races onto Wii

By Az Elias 17.11.2011

Jungle Kartz Races onto Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A Mario Kart-like racer will be released for the Wii in the UK on Friday, November 18th. Jungle Kartz features a host of playable animal drivers, a variety of racing tracks and includes Wii Wheel support. Read on for the full press release and more information on the game.

Nordic Games Publishing, whose recently released titles include We Dance and We Sing UK Hits, has today confirmed that Jungle Kartz, the animal-themed, fun-packed racing game will be available to buy from November 18th, exclusively on Wii™.

“Jungle Kartz is a fun, all-action racing game that caters for all ages and will definitely bring out players competitive sides,” says Nik Blower, sales and marketing director, Nordic Games. “We’ve continued to extend our peripheral range so that players can gain maximum enjoyment with any of our games. Jungle Kartz is a fantastic addition to this and can be played with the comfort of the Nordic Steering Wheel for a more authentic racing experience.”

Jungle Kartz is an exhilarating arcade racing game where all the action takes place on a tropical island. With eight challenging environments covering 32 monster tracks including Tropic Bay, Rift River Valley, Ra Desert and more, it’s a frantic race to the finish line. Take to the road and race as eight fun-loving animal characters, each with a unique special track advantage, including Sass the Tigress, Gus the Gorilla, Rocky the Coyote and many more.

Designed for all ages, players can take on a variety of racing challenges - including Quick Race, Time Trial and Tournament mode.

Each element of the game has been uniquely crafted so that players can choose a character and kart that suits their driving style. Vehicles range from light rapid karts to big powerful speed machines. Players are offered an abundance of power ups to throw in their opponent’s way, which adds to the challenge - as you utilise the speed boost, time warp, guns, rockets, spider webs, ice puddles and more. Each obstruction presents players with a heightened challenge. Can you compete and make it to the finish line first?

The full Jungle Kartz racing experience can be enjoyed using the Nordic Steering Wheel, the ideal accessory for Nordic Games’ racing games, enhancing the games racing capabilities for all the family to enjoy.

Jungle Karts is developed by Brain in a Jar, an independent UK software developer, specialising in racing games.

Box art for Jungle Kartz

Brain in a Jar







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European release date Out now   North America release date None   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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