Killer Freaks from Outer Space Originally Had Rabbids

By 16.11.2011 7

Killer Freaks from Outer Space Originally Had Rabbids on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ubisoft revealed one of it's exclusive new games for the Wii U during E3 2011, Killer Freaks From Outer Space and now some new information has been revealed about the project. Apparently the game was firstly envisioned at Ubisoft Montpellier and came into existence around February 2010. Back then it was originally planned as an XBOX 360 and PS3 game.

Originally the game was called Killer Rabbids and was based on the Rabbids franchise, but after moving the project to the Wii U, the target audience changed and the Rabbids were supposedly removed.

From what was shown at E3, it looks as if Ubisoft have still kept in some inspiration from the Rabbids.

Box art for ZombiU








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They always looked like Rabbids to me anyways, haha. Look forward to hearing more about this game, looked pretty awesome from what I seen of it at E3.

It looked pretty terrible from what I saw at E�.

Canyarion said:
It looked pretty terrible from what I saw at E�.
Well, I should've said pretty interesting. The visuals were quite terrible, but that was because it was at early stages in development. I still loved the Cockney guy being the main character though, lol.

( Edited 16.11.2011 23:28 by Mush123 )

The controls were stiff, the enemies acted unintelligent and the gameplay looked boring.

Maybe they'll make something good out of it, but so far I'm not impressed.
Oh and it's not a game I would play even if it were great. Smilie Not my genre. (Although I can still see what's good and what's not.)

i have a feeling that this game is going to be very arcadey. one of them games that have very little in story. hope im wrong and it has a good funny story that ties all the levels together but if i read that it has 10 levels and each is around 5-6 mins long, its an instant no-buy. i really hope ubisoft pull their finger out, because this is their chance to establish a brand new ip on a powerful nintendo console and has the potential to be wiiu` left4dead at launch. tho sadly i feel that
given ubisoft`efforts on wii im guessing its going to be a rushed mess..... but once again, i hope im wrong.

oh and the whole spawning enemies by touching areas on the map via the touch screen gameplay mechanic seems like a boring multiplayer idea.

( Edited 17.11.2011 00:10 by MiiWiiKing )

MiiWiiKing said:
tho sadly i feel that
given ubisoft`efforts on wii im guessing its going to be a rushed mess..... but once again, i hope im wrong.

I thought Red Steel was great, given the tech inside the Wiimote. Red Steel 2 was even better, since it used Wii MotionPlus and therefore fixed the sword control issues. I loved how you could use your sword at any given point, too.

i thought redsteel was a rushed effort for the launch window and it showed. redsteel 2 was a lot better but i feel the ip lacked direction, identity and continuity. for me, i don't think the duel wielding of a sword and a gun works in a fps. i think its better suited to hack and slash games with numerous enemies where it makes sense to have the two. with redsteel i feel like ubisoft ran with the idea that holding the wiimote was akin to a kitana and shoehorned a fps around that gameplay mechanic to try and appeal to a mature audience.

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