Get Rich with Mario in Boom Street on January 6th

By Az Elias 15.11.2011 2

Get Rich with Mario in Boom Street on January 6th on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After recent rumours suggested the Mario and Dragon Quest monopoly crossover known as Fortune Street would be called Boom Street in Europe, Nintendo have today confirmed the name change and set an official release date of January 6th, 2012 for the UK and the Netherlands. Germany, Spain and Italy get the game a little earlier, on December 23rd of this year.

In this Wii family party game, your goal is to earn as much money as possible through acquiring properties and investing in housing. Moving around boards you can buy shops and collect suits to sell at the bank. An in-game stock market allows you to buy shares and earn bonuses for more cash. Not only can you challenge up to three friends using one Wii remote, but you can also play online to compete.

Boards are themed around locations from the Mario and Dragon Quest universes, including Starship Mario from Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Alltrades Abbey from Dragon Quest. There is a playable cast of over 20 characters from both series, with the ability to play as your Mii too.


Boom Street will be arriving in the UK for Wii on January 6th. The game will release in North America this year on December 5th under its original name of Fortune Street.

What do you think of Boom Street? Is it a party game you can see yourself playing? Does the online mode appeal to you? Post your thoughts below!

Box art for Boom Street
Also known as

Fortune Street


Square Enix







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  3/10 (5 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Italy, Spain and Germany get this on 23rd December, The Netherlands and UK get it on 6th January. Definitely adds more weight to the talk of Inazuma Eleven 2 landing in Jan and Last Story in Feb Smilie

EDIT: Also, read my preview for details on the game!! Smilie

( Edited 15.11.2011 21:59 by jesusraz )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Thanks Adam, will edit the article to accommodate that!

Can't see Last Story getting a name change now after the recent art contest, but certainly hope February is the time it arrives!

On Boom Street itself though, given the time I wouldn't mind giving this a go. It's presented really well in-game, and it's something I haven't played before. Always open to new things. Certainly the online aspect appeals to me - definitely something I'm glad Nintendo are doing now with Mario sport/party games. Hopefully Mario Party 9 will be online too. If Boom Street were a Mario and Final Fantasy crossover though, this would likely be a day one purchase from me, haha.

( Edited 16.11.2011 01:24 by Azuardo )

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