Street Fighter X Tekken Due for 3DS and Wii U?

By Az Elias 13.11.2011 8

Street Fighter X Tekken Due for 3DS and Wii U? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Speaking in an interview with Gematsu at the New York Comic-Con this year, Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono talked about the latest on the crossover fighting project Street Fighter X Tekken. Of interesting note to Nintendo fans is one line in particular regarding the possibility of the game appearing on the 3DS and Wii U:

You’re bringing Street Fighter X Tekken to PS3, Xbox 360, PlayStation Vita, and now PC. Super Street Fighter IV came out on 3DS, so clearly Capcom knows how to create a fighting game on the Nintendo handheld. Is there a reason you’ve not announced a 3DS version? Or a Wii U version, for that matter?

There isn’t any reason in particular actually.

Ono-san doesn't go any deeper than that unfortunately, but the hint is there that there could indeed be a version of the game for both of Nintendo's platforms. Given that Capcom brought Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition to the 3DS and the developer's support of Nintendo in general, it probably isn't out of the question to suggest we'll be seeing a version of Street Fighter X Tekken on Nintendo consoles in the future.

Would you like a 3DS or Wii U edition of Street Fighter X Tekken?

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Unless he's planing on waiting for the inevitable "Super Ultra Mega Ultimate" version with added characters I think people are reading to much into this.

I'd LOVE for this & Ultimate MvsC3 to be ported to 3DS & U but he didn't say much of anything on the subject.....literally so why get our hopes up on no evidenced C3...? That's just cruel...T_T. Be more professional will ya.

( Edited 20.01.2013 16:20 by Guest )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

You can take it however you want to. He neither confirmed nor denied, so people are free to speculate what he means. It's a talking point, and it's come straight from his mouth. Unlike many other rumours that get passed around these days.

( Edited 20.01.2013 16:20 by Guest )

Luma (guest) 15.11.2011#3

Won't work. NO traditional pad = fail

( Edited 20.01.2013 16:20 by Guest )

Luma (guest) said:
Won't work. NO traditional pad = fail

What do you mean "NO traditional pad"? Quit crying because the controller DOES have the same button lay out as the other two even with the screen. This could very WELL happen...I'm just not gonna hold my breath till more proof shows up.

Also since the Wii U can opperate with classic Wii controls you can use the Tatsunoko vs. Capcom arcade stick if you were lucky enough to find it...LIKE I AM!!Smilie

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
Raziel (guest) 22.01.2012#5

Long story short, it's easy to port the game to the Vita due to how powerful the hardware is. You need to do minimal amounts of tweaking to the visuals, and the shader system on the Vita is very similar to the PS3.

On the 3DS, there are no shaders, only pre-configured 'effects' you can enable, in short, it means every material in the game and every special visual effect has to be remade using effects the 3DS supports. Furthermore, the hardware is pretty weak compared to the Vita and home consoles, this means every stage and character has to be remodeled for the device along with crap-loads of optimization to the game itself. Finally, to render graphics in 3D you have to produce twice the number of frames while still keeping the game playable, and this is on hardware that is underpowered to begin with.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my 3DS, but such a release is going to take time and thought, it's not the kind of thing they will release at the same time as the other platforms. They will likely first finish the game on the other platforms and then do the 3DS port after the game's release. Also, Capcom isn't stupid, SSF4 3D edition sold really well (over a million copies), so I'm sure a port of Street Fighter X Tekken makes sense, but given the amount of content that will need to be reworked, it might not make sense for them to announce it yet.

Take care.

skull (guest) 29.02.2012#6

Plss yes make it happen

zach (guest) 22.03.2012#7

i mean honestly if Ono-san can put ssfIV on the 3ds. there really shouldnt be a problem puttin the arcade edition of ssfIV and the street fighter x tekken and as for tekken i believe they already have put a tekken game out for the 3ds called Tekken Prime 3D edition i dont see why he couldnt

BheztRhy (guest) 22.06.2012#8

Well, I love Nintendo....
And I hope Capcom will do the Nintendo version of this game with Nintendo exclusive character (Such as Mario or any Pokemon)

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