Searing Hot Zelda: Skyward Sword Wii Footage

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.10.2011 2

Searing Hot Zelda: Skyward Sword Wii Footage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo are continuing to release new gameplay footage from the upcoming Legend of Zelda chapter, Skyward Sword. It's rather hot!

As usual the following article contains spoilers, so please turn away now if you don't want to find out new morsels of information - like how Link wears pink knickers.

This new selection explores the searing hot Volcano Summit as Link is once again thrown into the vicious, magma ridden volcanoes of the surface world below. Mountain regions and fire-themed dungeons have been an essential chunk of the Legend of Zelda series and this seems no different, and only our Skyloft protagonist can settle the region's explosive nature.

Image for Searing Hot Zelda: Skyward Sword Wii Footage
Image for Searing Hot Zelda: Skyward Sword Wii Footage
Image for Searing Hot Zelda: Skyward Sword Wii Footage

We see Link returning to a previously explored area to take on the Fire Sanctuary using a new item dubbed "Mogma Mitts". Using these swanky gloves Link can rummage through the underground tunnels and nab some neat subterranean goodies within the dungeon.

Image for Searing Hot Zelda: Skyward Sword Wii Footage
Image for Searing Hot Zelda: Skyward Sword Wii Footage

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword





Action Adventure



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I know it's Wii, but this game seriously needs some anti-aliasing. Shimmering everywhere. It'll look fine on a CRT, but flat-panel HD folks will be getting a slightly LEGO-ish Zelda experience.

Thundercatsarego (guest) 31.10.2011#2

After playing Twilight Princess, this ge quite frankly looks a little corny. I inserstand the graphics are better ( i.e. newer) but it's disapponting to see how plastic and static looking this game looks. Ocarina of time, majoras mask and twilight princess all are very pretty games to play, this I'm not so sure it's so easy on the eyes.

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