Touchscreen Shortcuts Included in Tekken 3D Prime Edition

By 26.10.2011 7

Touchscreen Shortcuts Included in Tekken 3D Prime Edition on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A bit of a controversial control system was featured within Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition. Capcom added a convenient and easier way to pull off special moves whilst fighting. Players could assign moves to the 3DS' touchscreen and simply press one of four buttons and they'd be firing Hadouken's with ease. Some loved it and some hated it, but it certainly made it more accessible.

Famitsu has revealed that Namco Bandai Games will be ignoring the haters and have chosen to include a similar control option in Tekken 3D Prime Edition. Players will be able to create shortcuts with the ABXY buttons to make doing techniques easier.

It was announced yesterday that Japan will be getting Tekken 3D Prime Edition on February 12th 2012. The US and Europe have also been dated for a February release.

Do you like the idea of touchscreen shortcuts in fighting games?

Box art for Tekken 3D Prime Edition

Namco Bandai


Namco Bandai





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Why did people moan about touch screen shortcuts? You don't have to use it, but it's there for convenience if you want it.

Azuardo said:
Why did people moan about touch screen shortcuts? You don't have to use it, but it's there for convenience if you want it.

It allows for their massive egos to be crushed by people who spam on them using the touch-screen ;o

I never minded the option, and it's good to still have it included. The more accessible, the more games sold, and the more future support we get. Hopefully.

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Azuardo said:
Why did people moan about touch screen shortcuts? You don't have to use it, but it's there for convenience if you want it.
Those are probably the same people who moaned about the Super Guide in recent Mario games and DKCR. All they want is some stupid reason to moan about a game, whether it's justified or not.

When I read the part about Namco Bandai ignoring the haters, I imagined some PR guy or developer saying "Screw those haters, we're going with this!". Smilie

There should have been a ladder without those shortcuts, just for the hardcore players.

Image Starcraft 2 having an option that optimises your economy for you, so you only have to concentrate on the battles. Smilie It totally breaks the game.
And shortcut combinations does that to fighters.

Canyarion said:
There should have been a ladder without those shortcuts, just for the hardcore players.

Image Starcraft 2 having an option that optimises your economy for you, so you only have to concentrate on the battles. Smilie It totally breaks the game.
And shortcut combinations does that to fighters.

Well, as long as you can search for people that use the "Pro" control scheme, like in SSFIV 3D Edition, I don't mind.

For a game like Tekken with huge button-row combos to pull off this is very welcome. ^^

Jman (guest) 27.10.2011#7

I don't use them, and think it's ok in single player as I'm sure it helps some gamers enjoy the game more.

But, I do think it shouldn't be accessible in online multiplayer as it allows unskilled users to simply keep spamming moves they otherwise wouldn't be pulling off as frequent.

I mean, I'm just a casual fighting game fan, and after a small taste of online DOAD I'll never return to it. What's the point when your opponent simply keeps hitting a cheap shortcut button to unleash a powerful move?

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