Sonic Generations Spins into Europe Nov 25

By Az Elias 21.10.2011 4

Sonic Generations Spins into Europe Nov 25 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In a German press release, Sega of Europe have officially announced that Sonic Generations will be spinning its way onto European 3DS' on November 25th.

It will be arriving slightly later than its HD brothers, which come out November 4th, but it is looking like it will be worth the wait.

Will you be picking up the 3DS version next month?

Thanks to Squidboy for the tip.

Box art for Sonic Generations

Sonic Team




2D Platformer



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Certainly will. Love Rush and the older Sonics so this is shaping up! Can't wait to see what other levels SEGA have in store for the 3DS Gens.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Well the 3DS version does have online play and street pass support so the delay is understandable.

L said:
Well the 3DS version does have online play and street pass support so the delay is understandable.

..It does have online play? Wow, I honestly had no idea about that detail.

That's pretty sweet if true.

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Preordered the PC version on steam already, will be getting the 3ds vertion too if i enjoy it :3

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