Large Chested Princess Side Scrolls

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.10.2011 14

Large Chested Princess Side Scrolls on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The scantily clad, large chested protagonist Princess Solange is the new face of a side scrolling 3DS project, Code of Princess.

Revealed in in the latest edition of Famitsu Magazine, the game features a lass akin to Sophitia from Soul Calibur - a princess who dons a huge holy sword given to her by her father. She attempts to prevent an assault from a race of monsters and restore the human to beast balance.

The concept's also described as similar to Guardian Heroes, where the action can shift between predefined planes on a side-scrolling approach. The bubbly royal won't be alone on her journey - you can play with up to four players online in co-operative or competitive play.

Image for Large Chested Princess Side Scrolls
Image for Large Chested Princess Side Scrolls

Aside from Solange, there'll also be a zombie known as Lady Zoro, Ali the pirate and... Regro the elf, designed by Kinu Nishimura - the artist behind 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors and various Street Fighter characters.

Our lead heroine has been known to the Japanese public for some time, starring in her own range of provocative PVC figures with slightly accentuated assets.

Code of Princess is due out in Japan this spring.

Image for Large Chested Princess Side Scrolls

Via Famitsu.

Box art for Code of Princess





Real Time RPG



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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (2 Votes)

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She must have 0 Defense with that 'armor' she's wearing...Smilie Oh and what the hell? That sword is bigger than her, heck it even beats Cloud's already gigantic sword. As if that alone wasn't enough, she's wielding it with one hand too! Smilie

Beastiest sword I've ever seen. Game looks right up my street.

I lOVE Japan.

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That body armour looks robust.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++
Steel (guest) 20.10.2011#5

Me wantie!

Robert (guest) 20.10.2011#6

I can understand why people on other VG sites would obviuolsly get upset over this design but they should know that ridiculous over-the-top scantiy clad females like this one have been a staple of Japanese fantasy settings for a very long time so its not worth the time to get upset about.

That said, I'm keeping my eye on this game just because of Kinu Nishimura who was one of my favorite Capcom artists.

SirLink said:
She must have 0 Defense with that 'armor' she's wearing...Smilie

She is wearing that Mist Oil from Xenoblade Smilie

Actualy, Xenoblade seems to work pretty hard to get the characters as naked as possible...all the best stats for most parts of the game are pretty underdressed. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Actualy, Xenoblade seems to work pretty hard to get the characters as naked as possible...all the best stats for most parts of the game are pretty underdressed.

Which is good. There is nothing I hate more than having to cover up my character's head or body just to get better defense. I prefer non-practicality in my games.

guest305 (guest) 20.10.2011#9

armor? she's not even wearing clothes! Never understood the definition of "fan service". I get what it is, i just don't get why.

guest305 (guest) said:
armor? she's not even wearing clothes! Never understood the definition of "fan service". I get what it is, i just don't get why.

Fan service sells.

4 player co-op online? Sounds great.

erc (guest) 20.10.2011#12

Boobs, side scrolling, action, swords, the...

I'd buy that for a dollar! Count me in.

The PVC statue is even bigger than the concept art! They'll probably do a re-release of the PVP statue and include it in a CE with the game. Chances of this making an appearance in the Americas? Not good at all.

Such Art Form, Beautiful and Delighting8)

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