Monster Hunter Online? Not on 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.10.2011 7

Monster Hunter Online? Not on 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom have confirmed that the upcoming 3DS port of Monster Hunter 3 won't have online co-operative play.

One of the bigger draws of the Wii original was the ability to meet with other players online and embark on co-operative quests together. Unfortunately the feature doesn't seem to be feasible on the 3DS portable edition, however there will be local wireless co-operative and content updates from Capcom online.

Monster Hunter Tri G will be be boosted in other areas, with an expanded solo campaign amongst various 3DS tidbits.

Via 3DSConnect.

Box art for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Also known as

Monster Hunter 3G









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Japan has a bustling community of handheld players, I think it's quite likely that online will be added should the game ever head west.

Still.. that in itself is pretty up in the air huh.

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I honestly don't get why SO many people all over the internet are raging about this and say things like "Looks like I won't be getting MH3G then..." when we don't even know whether it's actually going to make its way outside of Japan. The most plausible scenario would be that MH3G was made just for Japan to combat the PS Vita during its launch and MH4 is the one that's going to get another big push in the West.

Japanese MH fans don't give a damn about online, so it makes sense to leave it out when there aren't any plans of a localization anyway. There's still a chance that one might happen and they'll add online to make it relevant in the West but I'd say it's not very likely.

Maybe they'll do the same thing like they did with Tatsunoko Vs Capcom and give the western version an online mode. The severs are segregated by continent anyways so it's still possible.

I'm more not interested from the fact is just a expanded port of a (lets face it) a rather repedative long game.

MH4 is much more interesting to me. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Hopefully this means that we will be able to craft Upper Rank armor and weapons during single player.

This is getting frustrating. With the 3DS, Nintendo promised more open online. So far we've seen none of that. I still can't add people unless I have their friend code, most games won't let me even play with people unless I have their friend code, no games will let me talk to whoever I'm playing with, friend code or not, and then games that should have some online capacity have it removed entirely. Even the Wii got Monster Hunter's online almost right; the 3DS should've improved on it, not eliminated it. This is stupid.

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erc (guest) 20.10.2011#7

They should have just patched the Wii version and created the 3DS version to be interconnected--so the infrastucture would already exist---via the Wii/Capcom servers--and they could just DLC some of the new stuff into the Wii version. Or come out with a 3G+ for the Wii---I want my online for MonHun and WISH for interconnectivity for handheldds and consoles---I guess we'll have to wait for the Vita/PS3 to see that--or preferably WiiU and 3DS Smilie

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