Level-5 Reveals More on Fantasy Life, New Trailer Included

By 16.10.2011 5

Level-5 Reveals More on Fantasy Life, New Trailer Included on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

If you wasn't already aware, Fantasy Life was originally being developed for the Nintendo DS. Earlier this year though, Level-5 announced they moved development over to the 3DS and showed a new look to the visuals. During Level-5's Vision conference, held in Japan yesterday, the company revealed some new information on how the game plays out and also showed a new trailer.

The game is being described as a "slow-life RPG" and is being developed in conjunction with Brownie Brown, who developed Mother 3. Final Fantasy composer, Nobuo Uematsu is also working with them to compose the games music.

In terms of story, Fantasy Life is set in the world of Fantazeal. This is a place which its inhabitants refer to as Mars, and apparently is a place which has been marked by the moon. Long ago though, a prophet once warned that the world would come to destruction when a shadow passes over Mars. Unfortunately, this starts to comes true, but the people of Fantazeal continue to live their life's peacefully, unaware of the dangers that lie ahead.

Players create their own character avatar, which involves setting a name, gender, physical appearance, and "Life". whichever "Life" you choose, that becomes your in-game job, with twenty to select from. The jobs can affect how your game plays out and requires players to undertake certain quests which must be cleared daily. Once you've progressed through the game as one of these life's, you'll end up seeing what Level-5 refers to as a "small ending."


Fantasy Life is set to be released in 2012.

Box art for Fantasy Life

Brownie Brown







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This looks like it could be really great. I like the art style a lot. I hope it comes over to the west!

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

With a team like Brownie Brown, Level-5, and Uematsu, there's certainly a lot of potential. It's certainly enough to have me excited.

Did anyone else notice that this video rips off some of Final Fanasy IX's early cinematic sequences?

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

Red XIII said:
Did anyone else notice that this video rips off some of Final Fanasy IX's early cinematic sequences?

Final Fantasy IX? This thing looks like a conglomeration of everything cute Final fantasy has ever dealt with. Even the logo artwork looks Final Fantasy-ish. Just look at that airship. It looks more like a Four Heroes of Light sequel than Bravery Default.

Don't get me wrong, it looks good and I'm happy the 3DS is getting solid RPG titles, but wow. It looks like they even ripped off themselves a little with the market place scene from No Ni Kuni.

Lunaluma (guest) 17.10.2011#4

Perfect team, I just creamed myself at the thought. I love Layton games and Mother 3/Earthbound 2 is my favourite game of all time!

The reason a lot of the artwork and ideas probably look similar to Final Fantasy is because Yoshitaka Amano is working as an artist on Fantasy Life.

He's previously worked on character designs, image illustrations and title logo designs for the Final Fantasy series. And even Ni no Kuni was co-developed by Level-5.

Either way, it doesn't bother me, personally. From what I gather, it's almost like Animal Crossing, but has more depth, due to its story and gameplay elements. I'm really looking forward to it and it's one of my most anticipated games for the 3DS.

( Edited 18.10.2011 01:43 by Marzy )

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