Nano Assault 3DS Trailer Prepared for Launch

By Mike Mason 14.10.2011 4

Nano Assault 3DS Trailer Prepared for Launch on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Nanostray titles were received fondly on Nintendo DS, combining fun, frantic shoot 'em up action with Shin'en's usual pleasant presentation. Now, after astonishing Wii owners with Jett Rocket and FAST: Racing League on WiiWare, the German developers are returning to the Nanostray world with Nano Assault.

In command of a tiny Nanite ship, it's up to you to stop the deadly Nanostray virus spreading and destroying civilisation as we know it. The microscopic craft must purge the virus' DNA with a multitude of weapons through 32 stages of cellular shooter.

Once you've cleared the story there's plenty left to do, such as a Boss Rush mode, an arcade-style scored-based Mission Mode and online Hall of Fame leaderboards.


Nano Assault will be released on Nintendo 3DS next month in America. We're awaiting a European release date.

Will you be diving back into the Nanostray universe with Nano Assault?

Box art for Nano Assault
Also known as

Nanostray 3


Shin'en Multimedia







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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Looks amazing! It surprised me a bit when I heard this November in the trailer though. For some reason, I thought that it wouldn't come out in any region till sometime in 2012. Hopefully it'll arrive here this year as well. Depending on when that is, I might not pick it up right away but rather a few weeks after its release. Still, it looks great! Smilie

Our member of the week

I had no idea this was out next month either Smilie ! Nearly nothing major for months on Nintendo platforms, and all of a sudden, it's a downpour of awesome games in one month.

Really bad planning :/, I wish they had spaced them out a bit more... for the sake of our wallets, and the sake of these games too, because the competition between all these titles might hurt the inital sales and further hurt the image of the 3DS itself as a platform that doesn't sell much software (despite the likelihood of all these games selling well in the longer run).

( Edited 14.10.2011 13:31 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Robert (guest) 15.10.2011#3

I completely forgat about this game, adding this to my wanted 3DS games list.

Looks awsome. Now Mario and Luigi can wait! That's how awsome this looks Smilie

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