Play Online with a Friend in Resident Evil: Revelations

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.10.2011 9

Play Online with a Friend in Resident Evil: Revelations on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The official site for Capcom's forthcoming 3DS-exclusive Resident Evil chapter confirms co-operative play for 2 players.

The next outing for Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine and company, set for January 2011 next year in Japan, will have a strong focus on the solo play to compliment this year's multiplayer Mercenaries 3DS port. The official Japanese website for the game details a few tasty morsels, including online co-operative play for 2 players, local wireless, StreetPass and more.

Resident Evil: Revelations is also compatible with the optional 3DS Slide-pad for enhanced, additional analogue movement.

The whole package is due to be bound onto a hefty 4GB card for massive content - presumably a wad of cut-scenes, highly detailed characters and environments.

The company also confirmed a Limited Edition bundle to be available through e-Capcom. It will include a BSAA shoulder bag, with the first run containing a special DVD narrated by Jessica, packed with developer interviews and other tidbits.

Image for Play Online with a Friend in Resident Evil: Revelations
Box art for Resident Evil: Revelations








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I'm kinda iffy because mercenaries was kinda lagging for me when I played it online. But I'm excited at the same time because I do enjoy the RE series. Don't know too much about Chris and Jill sadly. D: More of a Claire Redfield and Leon fan.

I thought this was purely solo... it's nice that they've added co-op into it though. Really can't wait for this game. 4GB of data? That's immense for a 3DS game. Smilie

about time, something with proper online multiplayer.

This game is awesome, played the demo at eurogamer and it was setting the bar as top 3DS games to come.

That's such a cute purse, I'm sure those Asian men will love it. Smilie

Skorr (guest) 14.10.2011#6

Canyarion said:
That's such a cute purse, I'm sure those Asian men will love it. Smilie

And what if I am and what if I do? �_�

Interesting. I wonder if it will be less laggy like in Mercs? Glad it is online multi player instead of local, like Nintendo did with Star Fox 3DS. Hope the limited edition comes to Europe.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Actualy looks like a bundle thats a bit usefull, rather then the normal random cheap plastic thing you sometimes get.
As for the size of the game - it just reinforces Nintendos choice way back from the DS. Solid State mediums have basicly court up to disc based ones now. 4GB might seem big now, but I wouldnt be supprised to see 16GB or 32GB 3DS games in a few years. Maybe more before the system gets a successor.

So while Vita owners lose their backwards compatible due to Sonys mistake with the UMDs (or worse, they are made to rebuy their old games), we get high capacity and backwards compatibility with the still fantastic selection of DS games out there Smilie <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Super Sonic said:
Interesting. I wonder if it will be less laggy like in Mercs? Glad it is online multi player instead of local, like Nintendo did with Star Fox 3DS. Hope the limited edition comes to Europe.

Mercenaries was brilliant online lag wise, but the fact that you could hardly get a game was what was annoying about it.
I dunno how I feel about co op tbh. On the one hand I loved it in RE5 but thats the only thing that made RE5 good. I'd rather it was just co op in a mini game or something, not the actual story >.<

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