Nintendo Licensed Headset Coming to 3DS

By 10.10.2011 13

Nintendo Licensed Headset Coming to 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Despite there being no online games on the 3DS with online voice chat functionality, PowerA have announced a headset for the system.

The product is officially licensed by Nintendo and features high quality speakers and a detachable microphone piece. Furthermore it brings some useful functions to the 3DS' music player. Its in-line controls now allow you to skip tracks, play and pause and also rewind and fast forward music whilst your 3DS is in sleep mode.

With Nintendo licensing the product, there's the thought it could be a hint of what's to come. Nintendo have previously stated that a new 3DS system update will bring new features to the system, could online voice chat be one of them? Time will tell, but if you're eager to get your hands on one of these, they'll be releasing in Europe on November 4th 2011.

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I've heard about this headset somewhere before, in combination with talk about an update that's going to add an online voice chat application or whatever. Can't really remember (even though that was like a day or two ago lol) but this seems suspicious. No way Nintendo would just license this if they didn't have anything in mind for it in the near future.

Convenient timing, November is when that system update is due.

Phoenixus said:
Convenient timing, November is when that system update is due.

I forgot about the update for next month... This excites me a little. Here's hoping for some sort of messaging service. Anything is better then nothing at this point. Full-fledged Picto-chat messaging service anyone?

The scribblepad feature in the 3DS is practically pictochat, all Nintendo would need to do is merge it with the friends list section and voila. Smilie

That actually looks pretty cool. And the remote function makes the music player actually useful. I wonder if these would work with my iPod Touch.

NNID: crackedthesky
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I hope some third parties will make their own as well, because that one is really ugly Smilie

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Bauman (guest) 11.10.2011#7

My mum naked looks better than this. Nintendo need hardware designers not still thinking it's the 80s lol

Is there any reason why you could not use another headset? I don't own a 3DS and I hardly ever use headsets, so I don't know if there are any proprietary jacks or something.

I do really like the idea of a detachable mic. You should be able to swap in any old mic if you felt like it (you may need a small adapter). That one is probably fine, but it's nice to have options.

Having online voice chat would be exciting. The lack of it on the Wii really made the online experience lifeless. It's not fun playing Mario Kart with friends when you can't hear shouts caused by a blue shell.

Bauman (guest) said:
My mum naked looks better than this. Nintendo need hardware designers not still thinking it's the 80s lol

Maybe they made it ugly so people don't try to wear it in public. Can you imagine people yelling on the train into their headsets? Smilie

( Edited 11.10.2011 19:04 by TAG )

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18
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TAG said:
Is there any reason why you could not use another headset. I don't own a 3DS and I hardly ever use headsets, so I don't know if there are any proprietary jacks or something.

Yeah that's something I don't understand actually. There's only a headphone plug on the 3DS, contrary to the DS Phat or Lite for example where there was a separate proprietary mic plug right next to the headphones one so you could use a headset.

If Nintendo made it so that the mic uses the same plug as the headphones then surely it's proprietary ? Because that's the first time I'd ever encounter mic and headphones combined in one plug (and that also makes me wonder how it works)

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Bauman (guest) said:
My mum naked looks better than this. Nintendo need hardware designers not still thinking it's the 80s lol

It's not a Nintendo designed product, it's designed and produced by "PowerA", as the article clearly states.

Nintendo have simply licensed the product.

I think it matches the Cosmos Black 3DS pretty well, but I'll wait for an official product, which will most likely look like the new model 3DS.


It's combined, but it's far from proprietary, PC's and other devices have been using these jacks for years now.

( Edited 11.10.2011 10:35 by Squidboy )

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Squidboy said:
It's combined, but it's far from proprietary, PC's and other devices have been using these jacks for years now.

Never seen a single device on the market use that though (not counting obviously headsets for mobile phones but that's not the same kind of plug as on the 3DS though) so it mustn't be THAT widespread outside of mobiles.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

If it works as well as the Xbox I suppose I wont complain. But I'm still having my doubts about the 3DS.... Maybe in time it'll just get better.

jon (guest) 15.10.2011#13

wow im going to get me oneSmilieSmilie

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