Press-Only Level-5 Vision to be Streamed

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.10.2011 7

Press-Only Level-5 Vision to be Streamed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Level-5 have confirmed that the press-only segment of the Level-5 World event will be made public over uStream.

The developer, known for its Professor Layton and Inazuma Eleven on DS, skimped out of Japan's largest games convention this year in favour of a free show devoted to all things Level-5, Level-5 World. It'll take place next weekend, allowing fans to test-drive forthcoming projects and recently released Level-5 offspring.

The event also includes a press-only conference "Level-5 Vision" from 11:00 to 12:30 on Saturday 15th October, but now fans across the globe will be able to get a slice of the action via live online stream.

Start times will be 2AM in the UK, 3AM in central Europe, 6PM PDT and 9PM EDT.

More details to be announced on the Level-5 World website.

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Sooooo, has there been anything new from this? Missed the event and I can't find a site that's reporting anything from it. I was hoping for a Dark Cloud/Dark Chronicle HD bundle for PS3. Smilie

Robd (guest) 08.10.2011#2

The event is Oct. 15. You are a week early.

Ah, it seems you are right! Smilie

It would appear that work has scrambled my brain. Smilie

Our member of the week

Not sure yet whether I'll be up to watch it or not, but I expect some new footage for various 3DS games Smilie. And this is the last chance I give Level 5 to announce a localization for Ninokuni on DS, otherwise I'll just import a Japanese copy.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer


Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

Red XIII said:

Someone give this man a cookie.

Jax (guest) 15.10.2011#7

did anyone else hear the rumor that Level 5 bought the rights to the Kyle Hyde saga & Hotel dusk. and that they are making a sequel to Last Window ?

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