Super Mario 3D Land - Lots of New 3DS Footage, Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.10.2011 14

Super Mario 3D Land - Lots of New 3DS Footage, Screens on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo's been on fire today, releasing tasty morsels of footage from Mario's forthcoming platforming adventure for 3DS.

Super Mario 3D Land is leaping onto our pocket 3D screens this November and the porky plumber is bringing with him a bunch of classic power-ups, baddies and Mushroom Kingdom goodies as his poor lover Princess Peach is once again awol. Apparently she's been nabbed by the Cake-starved antagonist Bowser.

The first trailer can also be viewed in 3D by downloading it from the eShop on your 3DS (North America only at the moment).

Super Mario 3D Land is out in Europe on November 18th, North America on the 13th, Australia 24th and Japan leading the pack with November 3rd.







Finally Nintendo of America also released 75 new screenshots, yes 75, for your viewing pleasure - be sure to have a gander in the game's album below.

Image for Super Mario 3D Land - Lots of New 3DS Footage, Screens
Image for Super Mario 3D Land - Lots of New 3DS Footage, Screens
Image for Super Mario 3D Land - Lots of New 3DS Footage, Screens
Image for Super Mario 3D Land - Lots of New 3DS Footage, Screens
Image for Super Mario 3D Land - Lots of New 3DS Footage, Screens
Box art for Super Mario 3D Land





3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (16 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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The more I see of this, the more I want it. Looks like a fantastic game to me, can't wait for November 18th. This and Skyward Sword... gonna be a very busy November and December. Smilie

( Edited 07.10.2011 05:58 by Mush123 )

RT (guest) 07.10.2011#2

Looks great! Like Galaxy but... Dare I say it... Better!

Visualy this all looks fantastic.
But I dont like talk of it being short, more simple levels.(to make it accessible).
Nor do I like (still) no hub or exploration in any mario games we get these days. Smilie <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I really can't wait for this game. People may criticize the short levels but those are going to be perfect for playing it in short bursts on the go, especially since I'll be busy with Skyward Sword at home. Smilie I'm already looking forward to playing a couple of levels on the bus rides to school and back home or even just one or two during a 10 minute break at school.

Funny thing, today I had a site with the Super Mario 3D Land logo on it open and some of my classmates (even girls) saw it and got all excited and started talking about Mario and I was just totally confused because I just didn't see that coming (especially from non-gamers). I guess I'm going to constantly take my 3DS with me then and show it to as many friends as possible as some sort of propaganda. Smilie Maybe I even should start in advance with the 3D trailers. Smilie

Jman (guest) 07.10.2011#5

Short levels are fine, because it's a handheld game. I usually play my 3DS in short bursts, and long drawn out levels would be a drag.
The wife will definitely be stealing my 3DS once this comes out.

Definitely shaping up, looks to have a lot more to it then the initial reveal! Will probably pick this up, but may wait a bit while I settle in with Skyward Sword. DO like the portable feel to it, definitely be good to play in shorter bursts as people say ^^^

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

You know, seeing more and more of this game actually got me thinking a bit. This actually looks like what a true 3D Mario game should have been, with Mario 64 and the other games being the 'spin-offs' in a sense. Things like the classic Power-Up system, actually kicking Koopa shells to kill other enemies, flagpoles and all those other elements that were prominent in the 2D games but never made it into the 3D ones.

I guess I found the game I'm focused on right now by watching every trailer I can find because, unlike Skyward Sword, the fun in Mario games (for me at least) comes from simply playing the levels, moving and jumping around, using the power-ups and whatever. Smilie

Ya, that's the good thing about Mario games over something like Zelda, there isn't too much you can spoil - apart from the odd power-up or character cameo perhaps!

Do agree in some ways that it does look and feel like what the original Mario games would be like in 3D, with that touch of what's made Galaxy, Sunshine and M64 great. I am worried about the lack of "health" and returning back to the more traditional mushroom-based system though, might make this one a tad bit tougher methinks!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
I am worried about the lack of "health" and returning back to the more traditional mushroom-based system though, might make this one a tad bit tougher methinks!

You're worried about the old-school mushroom-based system making things a bit tougher? Wouldn't that be a good thing? Smilie

For all you Zelda fans out there, I heard about this a few days ago, but I completely forgot to post it. I told Ross (Marzy) about it on MSN, but I didn't remember to post it here... so here goes:



It doesn't show much... but it's very exciting for a Zelda fan such as myself.

If anyone already knew about this, I'm sorry. I only found out like a week ago though. Smilie

@Mush: Ahh, crap. XD I forgot that there were one or two pictures from Skyward Sword in that video from the E3 developer roundtable and saw them. Smilie But yeah, that was known since E3. Where have you been? Smilie

SirLink said:
@Mush: Ahh, crap. XD I forgot that there were one or two pictures from Skyward Sword in that video from the E3 developer roundtable and saw them. Smilie But yeah, that was known since E3. Where have you been? Smilie
I watched E3, but I never heard anything about this... you sure it wasn't revealed after E3? I mean, my laptop died shortly after E3 and I only got my new one like.. last week.

Mush123 said:
I watched E3, but I never heard anything about this... you sure it wasn't revealed after E3? I mean, my laptop died shortly after E3 and I only got my new one like.. last week.
Those developer roundtables were during E3, or rather during the two or three days after Nintendo's conference. Were you still around there? The information got out there right away from journalists watching it and it didn't take long for videos like this one to pop up.

SirLink said:
Mush123 said:
I watched E3, but I never heard anything about this... you sure it wasn't revealed after E3? I mean, my laptop died shortly after E3 and I only got my new one like.. last week.
Those developer roundtables were during E3, or rather during the two or three days after Nintendo's conference. Were you still around there? The information got out there right away from journalists watching it and it didn't take long for videos like this one to pop up.

I really can't remember it... perhaps all of the other E3 info just made me all excited that I forgot about this? Smilie

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