Nintendo Owns

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.09.2011 7

Nintendo Owns on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After sending out various Koopa Lawyers and a horde of Goomba, Nintendo have finally secured the rights to the domain

The website was previously dedicated to the Mushroom Kingdom hero and his chums, not Saved by the Bell star Mario Lopez or the R&B singer of the same name. According to GameInformer, last August Nintendo popped over a complaint to the World Intellectual Property Organization and since then the previous owner handed over the keys.

The site previously held online Mario games, possible illegal downloads plus other bits and bobs.

There's likely more exciting news about, but for you domain name enthusiasts, this is for you!

Box art for Super Mario Bros.





2D Platformer



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Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Our member of the week

not Saved by the Bell star Mario Lopez

I remember watching that show an awful lot... a long time ago XD. That and Parker Lewis Can't Lose...

Now I feel old Smilie.

( Edited 27.09.2011 00:38 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Sounds like I need to get in touch with the WIPO so I can secure

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

Wow! That's crazy. I hope they do something with it soon. ;A; Does anyone think the will?

Nilavae said:
Wow! That's crazy. I hope they do something with it soon. ;A; Does anyone think the will?
They'll probably use it as a central hub for everything Mario. Like, having a Mario timeline with minisites for each Mario game. Or they just won't do anything to it at all. Smilie

Mush123 said:
Nilavae said:
Wow! That's crazy. I hope they do something with it soon. ;A; Does anyone think the will?
They'll probably use it as a central hub for everything Mario. Like, having a Mario timeline with minisites for each Mario game. Or they just won't do anything to it at all. Smilie

Woooow that's a real clear & concise answer...>_>

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I think they'll put all the Mario ROMs back up and let us play them for free.

Vorash Kadan said:
Woooow that's a real clear & concise answer...>_>

I know, right?

( Edited 28.09.2011 06:03 by Mush123 )

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