Link and Epona Immortalised in Statue Form

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.09.2011 5

Link and Epona Immortalised in Statue Form on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

First4Figures are expanding the Legend of Zelda statue collection with a limited edition bust of Link and trusty steed Epona.

Link on Epona adopts the look from the last home-console adventure Twilight Princess, with our protagonist dolled up in his updated Hero of Time uniform.

The new design will come in two flavours - a painstakingly hand painted regular edition for a whopping $429USD and a 25th Anniversary "faux bronze" variety for a slightly higher $449. Both statues measure 17 inches tall by 16 inches long and like other models, will be cast in poly-stone.

Image for Link and Epona Immortalised in Statue Form
Image for Link and Epona Immortalised in Statue Form
Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess





Action Adventure



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (827 Votes)

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Sweet. I prefer the regular edition by the way, not the 'faux bronze' one.

Same - the bronzed up Link looks a bit too disturbing, like he's possessed or something (like that scene in TP)! If I had money to blow I would definitely get this without question!

Most I've spent on figures is about £15 on some TP Gashapon - Link, Gant, Midna Smilie Can't find them though Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Most I've spent on figures is about £15 on some TP Gashapon - Link, Gant, Midna Smilie Can't find them though Smilie
I think you mean Zant. Smilie

Anyways, this figure looks fucking awesome. I definitely would buy this if I had more money.

Care to raffle one off for your North American fans, cubed3?


This is pretty neat. ♥ I would love one of those, but I'm actually very picky when it comes to figures like that.

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