Capcom Planning Ace Attorney Birthday Event

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.09.2011 7

Capcom Planning Ace Attorney Birthday Event on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom are planning an event that Ace Attorney fans won't be objecting to, birthday celebrations for the series' 10th year.

The adventure/coutroom series may be fairly new to Western players, but Gyakuten Saiban has seen a decade of clue hunting and criminal defense from the first ever release of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on the Game Boy Advance in 2001. The series remained Japan-only until 2006, when Capcom began to release localised versions on the DS, WiiWare, iOS and various other platforms.

According to ONM, plans will become public from October 12th on the Japanese Ace Attorney website.

Box art for Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney








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Godot (guest) 20.09.2011#1

I hope MIA will be there with them jugs!

Ace Attorney 5 please.

And an announcement to localise future projects from the series, alongside AAI2. I'll never forgive Crapcom for that.

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I want a true Phoenix Wright game - no Miles or Apollo, another adventure with Phoenix, Maya etc - I know Layton vs Ace is pretty much that, but would like a true "sequel" to T&T - perhaps filling in gaps between that and Apollo, or maybe even just brand new cases!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
I want a true Phoenix Wright game - no Miles or Apollo, another adventure with Phoenix, Maya etc - I know Layton vs Ace is pretty much that, but would like a true "sequel" to T&T - perhaps filling in gaps between that and Apollo, or maybe even just brand new cases!

I don't think that'll happen for various reasons, mainly because Nick's story is over a lot of people consider it perfect how it is, beginning-middle-end.

But also because there are only two months between the last case of T&T and the time Phoenix was disbarred, not much time for anything to happen - besides the fact Maya left again.

( Edited 20.09.2011 19:23 by SuperLink )

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I still think it could happen - perhaps a side story taking place between the games that don't touch on the whole Fey overriding arc/storyline. Much like the "side cases" that take place between the main story arc in each game.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Robert (guest) 21.09.2011#6

Ace Attorney 5 please.>_<

I really do enjoy that whole series, even with Miles Edgeworth. It's like watching a very good T.V. Drama that you're in control of. Kind of like the Wind Waker! XD That was like controlling a cartoon.

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