Kingdom Hearts 3DS Due Spring 2012

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.09.2011 11

Kingdom Hearts 3DS Due Spring 2012 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

This year's Tokyo Games Show is hosting the first glimpse at the new look protagonists for Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance.

A snap of the TGS show-floor by Siliconera reveals the new costumes for protagonists Sora and Riku as they'll appear in the 3DS game.

The game will also see a cameo appearance from Neku - the chap in DS game The World Ends with You - the first character not from the Disney or Final Fantasy universes to pop into the Kingdom Hearts realm. He won't be playable but has a rather urgent matter to attend to before his potentially untimely demise. It's up to you as Sora to help him out.

A TGS hands-on session reports that the action is more fluid/streamlined than past installments, but the camera setup on the 3DS remains problematic. It "looks and plays" beautifully, however.

The game is due Spring 2012 in Japan, and hopefully by the time Santa touches down next year in other regions.

Image for Kingdom Hearts 3DS Due Spring 2012

What do you think of the new looks? Are you looking forward to the new Kingdom Hearts for 3DS?

Box art for Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Square Enix


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Menardi (guest) 15.09.2011#1

Spring 2011, eh? Smilie

Oli (guest) 15.09.2011#2

Sora's looks to similar to KH1 gear. I prefer Riku's new stuff to his KH1 gear, but his collar is too damn high on this one!

Jman (guest) 15.09.2011#3

New looks? They look like the samed canned spikey/colored haired Square characters we're used to seeing.

Sable (guest) 15.09.2011#4

They cut Riku's hair!!! Nooooo!!!

Those costumes aren't really new. Sora's looks like one of his suits from KH2 and Riku's is the same as before but with his collar upturned highschool douchebag style, haha. Anyway, kind of excited for this game.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:
Shelby (guest) 15.09.2011#6

Smilie They cut Riku's sexy haaaaiiiiir! Smilie

I'm more excited about the World Ends With You cameo...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

WOOT Neku!! But the pic of him in the back kinda makes him look a bit like Van/Roxas which isn't that great.

Hopefully we'll actually see some FF summons like Bahamut, Laviethin & the like.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

They should really-really-REALLY-REALLY just fire Omnomura or what his name is. Ugh.

One of the main reasons I could never get into KH is because I just absolutely despise the style it uses for the non-disney characters >.>

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

I'm generally underwhelmed by Square Enix's character designs overall. They're usually very bland and generic, and even when they throw in something interesting there's never any point to it, it exists just for the sake of itself. Like Cloud's ridiculous sword or that girl from Dirge of Cerberus who always has one eye shut. It's like they have a team of guys drawing random characters and they just shuffle them like cards and do a random draw to choose their characters.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:
evil sora (guest) 20.01.2012#11

finely a new kingdom hearts ihave played all of them

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