Darkflame said:
Not true on both counts.
There was bundled versions of games with NES/SNESs, but there was also perfectly stand alone ones. (in NA the snes came with MarioWorld for a higher cost. In Japan it launched with nothing bundled, and hardly any games on the shelfs at all)N64,Gamecube,DS never had anything with them..
..and the DS...the most succesfull console in history had nothing (and also a poor launch line up + one decent remake/port)
The 3DS, meanwhile comes with, relatively, shitloads of stuff built in.
Also, Ocarina of Time is a great game, but its still only one. So thats "remake" not "remakes".
3rd partys do lots of remakes/ports - but you can hardly expect Nintendo to order them not too. That would be a worse situation.
Your second point only stands if you take into account only released games. that's sort of spinning the subject. Nintendo's first big game for the 3DS was Ocarina of Time, a remake. Their next one will be StarFox, also a remake. Then it'll be MarioKart, which is a new title in the franchise but by the time it comes out, the 3DS will have been on shelves for a half a year. Third parties are doing the same. Capcom's first big title? A Resident Evil port. Another big title is Cave Story, which is another remake. Those two aren't exactly Nintendo's fault, but in a way it goes back to Nintendo lacking as a developer. The DS and the Wii were both riddled with remakes and ports. Nintendo basically comes up with something truly innovative to the industry, and then becomes one of if not the only company to actually develop ideas around it. Everyone else decides to use it to remake or port games instead of making something actually good. Nintendo should've seen this coming with the 3DS and made sure they had some great launch titles out instead of waiting 6-9 months to get anything on the shelves.
Back on topic, there are people who look at the 3DS's upcoming lineup and decide not to buy it because they aren't interested in remakes and ports and that's all that's been coming out. I was one of them; my sister bought the whole family a 3DS when she got a bonus and I'm greatful of course, but nobody really plays it at the moment. We got two games for it and beat them both, and aren't really interested in anything out for a while.
The Mario games will give the system a boost, but if you aren't a Mario fan, there's still almost nothing on the radar, save for vague hints of games with no solid release info.
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