Chronoblade announced for Nintendo 3DS

By Stuart Lawrence 17.08.2011 5

Chronoblade announced for Nintendo 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A few weeks ago, Chronoblade was announced for Nintendo 3DS, with some details about the game. It may surprise you to hear that this is not a sequel to Chrono Cross, and it has nothing to do with the series at all; this is a platformer made by developer Corecell in Thailand.

The game is a Castlevania style game that follows Freya the Magewarrior as she crosses dimensions to a parallel world where her tribe have been slaughtered, she must travel and collect "Special Time Pieces" to gain enough power and avenge her fallen comrades.

More information from from Video Games Pocket shows it to be a side scrolling action platformer with simple puzzle solving and a boss at the end of each level. The action takes place on the top screen with the bottom screen showing a clock which you can manipulate time with, such as resetting your character.

More information can be found on the developers website here, and concept art can be seen in the image section below.

What do you think about this newly announced game? What do you expect from the developer?

Box art for AeternoBlade





2D Platformer



C3 Score

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AdamC3 (guest) 18.08.2011#1

I'm actually quite looking forward to finding out more on this. Until Konami decides to bring a 2D Castlevania to 3DS, this could be the next big thing!

I thought it sounded like a good concept to be honest, sort of like a 2D Castlevania with Prince of Persia Sands of Time mixed in.

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Yeah, my initial reaction was that it sounds promising. A mix of Castlevania and POP is no bad thing!

Squidboy (guest) 19.08.2011#4

Looking forward to seeing this in action.

ChronoBlade is an upcoming free-to-play action RPG newly announced for Facebook. Set is a fantasy-meets-sci-fi backdrop, the game conjures up a world with multiverse, the many realities parallel to each other in the vast universe with defensive barriers in-between. Yet there is always a way to break through the reality' boundaries. And the aggressive conqueror, The Chronarch Imperium, appears, unavoidably, tearing the world apart and must be stopped.

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