Tekken Explodes into New 3DS Trailer, Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.08.2011 7

Tekken Explodes into New 3DS Trailer, Screens on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

This week at the Gamescom convention Namco Bandai revealed new footage from the 3DS Tekken outing that packs a meaty punch.

The portable outing is set to feature all your favourite lads, ladies and fighting anthropomorphs - over forty varied brawlers doing combat in both classic and re-imagined stages, various modes and online battles through Wi-Fi.

Fans of the series will also be able to sit back and enjoy Tekken Blood Vengeance, a CG movie displayed in stereoscopic 3D.

Image for Tekken Explodes into New 3DS Trailer, Screens
Image for Tekken Explodes into New 3DS Trailer, Screens
Image for Tekken Explodes into New 3DS Trailer, Screens
Image for Tekken Explodes into New 3DS Trailer, Screens

Are you a fan of the Tekken series? Are you excited for the rebirth on Wii U and 3DS? What new features and past characters/stages would you like to see return?

Box art for Tekken 3D Prime Edition

Namco Bandai


Namco Bandai





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Oh God, I'm so happy with my 3DS XD!

Each of these fighting giants sets out to trump the one released before it.

SFIV was good, until I got DOAD which shat all over it.

Now THIS is coming as well, looking like it'll beat both SF and DOA graphically (60fps in 3D?!) and perhaps even content-wise.

Fudge. Yeah.

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Hmmm - I was a huge Tekken fan during the 2/3 era, and Tag to an extent, but really lost interest when the plot turned a bit barmy. Prefer Street Fighter and DoA these days, especially DoA - so fluid and love the combos.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Hmmm - I was a huge Tekken fan during the 2/3 era, and Tag to an extent, but really lost interest when the plot turned a bit barmy. Prefer Street Fighter and DoA these days, especially DoA - so fluid and love the combos.

I don't care much for the story. To be honest, all three series just lost me when their latest iterations resorted to overall cheap AI etc. Just pissed me right off. It killed the single-player experience, which for me is really most of what I play. Or it was, before I was able to access wireless on my 3DS.. Smilie

DOAD makes up for a looot, though :p

( Edited 17.08.2011 23:40 by Faust D. Strooijer )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

This looks great, and unless I get DOAD, will probably be my next fighter on the 3DS. I really liked the Tekken series, my last game was 4 though and I don't know why, but something wasn't right about it.

Oh, and on the subject of Cheap AI, Seth (SFIV) is probably one of the cheapest bosses of all time, somehow grabbing me while he's in mid-air while I'm doing an ultra combo.

Oh and Akira in VF5 is so cheap, it took me and my brother in turns on the same game half an hour to finally defeat him.

Too bad I was never a Tekken fan. But I might just get this for some odd reason...

I even say that games that become boring after about 20 mins of gaming have the "Tekken-Syndrome" Smilie

But it can be fun with friends so.... And we get the movie? In 3d? Now we're talking. The 3DS is getting support... We like =)

Ryu (guest) 19.08.2011#6

Tekken is boring, covuluted rubbish

Jman (guest) 19.08.2011#7

I remember a lot of people ripping on DOA (not on this particular forum), which seems to have died down after the 3DS release. So now Tekken seems to be the new disliked fighting series, and I'm sure a lot of gamers will change their tune after they buy it for 3DS.
It's not a bad fighting game by any means, and imo, Tekken has a far cooler cast of characters than DOA, VF, or Street Fighter.
I know there have been some comparisons versus the PSP version, and having played that just yesterday, I'll confirm that yes the 3DS edition looks a touch better. Characters seem a little beefier, with higher polygon counts. Of course considering the PSP is around five years old, I guess that is more a show of how impressive the PSP is.
Anyways, it's always a great thing to see more fighting games on your handheld, and hopefully Sega will consider making a Virtua Fighter "Dimensions" style game for the 3DS.
Oh, and I can't stress enough about how much I LOVE the whole Spotpass thing. Waking up in the morning and getting a new costume for a DOA character is awesome, so I reallllly hope Namco incorporates this into their game.

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