Modern Warfare 3 Breaches UK Shores at GAMEfest

By Mike Mason 11.08.2011 4

Modern Warfare 3 Breaches UK Shores at GAMEfest on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

UK Call of Duty fans eager to sink their teeth into Modern Warfare 3 won't have to wait too much longer. GAME have announced that their convention, GAMEfest, will play host to the UK's first public showing of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, two months ahead of the game's release.

The latest entry into Activision's blockbuster series will be released on November 8th 2011, but those who just can't wait to get into their combats can get a tantalising taste of the bloodlust to come at GAMEfest. GAMEfest will be held at Birmingham NEC from 16th - 18th September, and tickets can be bought on their website - as long as you own a GAME Reward Card.

We spoke to a GAME PR representative earlier who stated that, as far as they were aware, the game would be playable on all formats, including Wii. We'll let you know if we hear about any change to that.

“We are delighted that GAMEfest attendees can be the first consumers in the UK to have the opportunity to get hands-on with Modern Warfare 3 before it releases to the world. We know that our customers love to be first to play and with this year’s sneak peek of the newest instalment of Call of Duty, GAMEfest once again proves it is absolutely the place to be.” - Anna-Marie Mason, GAME marketing director.

In other news, it has so been confirmed that there are no plans for a Nintendo 3DS version, despite the game coming to the regular DS.

Will you be attending GAMEfest? Are you excited for Modern Warfare 3?

Box art for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3





First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (2 Votes)

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lamaldo78 (guest) 12.08.2011#1

sounds like a good way to sell tickets for their event.

Max. Newton (guest) 14.08.2011#2

For anyone who couldn't go to e3, this is the perfect event for you, you don't wanna miss it! Sounds good!

M.N.Ali (guest) 14.08.2011#3

I'm eager to go, but I won't, I want to wait, if I play it now, I'm gonna wanna take it home with me and keep it from there on, so I'm going to keep my hopes up and keep my excitement ready for 8th November!
On another note I like battlefield, the destructible environments are great but personally I want MW3 more, THE 3 Games of the year for me MW3, Dead Island and Batman Arkham City

Nice COD4 image.

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