Paid Demo for Capcom's Buttonless 3DS Game

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.08.2011 4

Paid Demo for Capcom

Want a small slice of Capcom's upcoming button-less 3DS project, Nazo Waku Yakata? You'll have to spend a little for a demo.

Ideally demos would be free and for a more experimental game, even more so. This time Capcom perhaps want to test whether anyone would pop over a few coins in order to try the first chapter out on their 3D handheld.

Japanese folk can try the game early on the eShop for around 200 Yen (£1.50/£2.99). It isn't being dubbed as a demo per se, but a sample of a game that's already hit retail.

Via Kotaku.

Box art for Nazo Waku Yakata: Oto no Ma ni Ma ni








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Well, I'm glad that Capcom decided that this game here is truly worthy of a eshop demo and not Megaman Legends 3. I know nothing of this Nako Wazu Yakata game and I'm not trying to bash it by any means, but I am really annoyed that Capcom did not at least release the demo for MML3 before they decided to cancel the project. Could we have let the demo sales do the talking? Smilie

You know I was fully ready to PAY for the Megaman Legends 3 Prototype but when Capcom canceled it that really ticked me off. So no Capcom, I will NOT be paying for a demo when I would've gladly payed for a much better games demo so screw off!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I thought Capcom would be one of those 3rd party developers where it would be impossible to dislike them, but recently, they're getting tons of hate. And most of it is legit too!

bornforthis43 said:
I thought Capcom would be one of those 3rd party developers where it would be impossible to dislike them, but recently, they're getting tons of hate. And most of it is legit too!
I'm beginning to take a dislike to them. What with them cancelling MML3 and MMU. Both of which looked amazing. I haven't played many of the Megaman games, but I was really looking forward to Legends 3.. then they cancelled it. I would've definitely bought Prototype, if they hadn't of cancelled the game all together.

Damn it Capcom, if you don't give me a Monster Hunter game for the 3DS I'm gonna scream. Apart from that, I'm really looking forward to Revelations and Mercs 3D is pretty amazing, even though I've only played it for like 3 hours or so.

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