Dragon Quest Monsters European Date

By Adam Riley 27.07.2011

Dragon Quest Monsters European Date on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Get ready for a monster adventure. Dust down your scouting skills and prepare to battle hard to become the world’s greatest monster scout when Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 launches exclusively on 7th October, 2011 for the Nintendo DS. Scout out monsters from all over a mysterious island and recruit a team to help you battle your way to safety in this turn-based role-playing game that Cubed3 recently went hands-on with.

You are the monster hunter in this spin-off title from the famous Dragon Quest franchise. After the Albatross airship crash lands on a far-away island, you must capture and train the wild monsters you hunt down, building a team to help you battle other monster scouts in the annual race to become the world’s greatest monster scout. Rescue your fellow airship passengers and crew members who have gone missing and solve mysteries on the island to escape for good. With over 250 monsters on the island, including final and secret bosses from previous titles in the series, there is plenty to get your monster teeth into. You can also synthesise new monsters, allowing you to create and breed even more powerful monsters with exactly the right skill points for your needs.

Each monster has unique skills, spells and attributes and belongs to one of seven families, including Slime, Dragon, Demon and Zombie Families. Watch your monsters grow into even more powerful beasts, although as their master it is up to you to choose what new skills they acquire. When your monsters earn skill points in battles, choose from a range of skills grouped by type and effect.


You can fight and trade monsters locally or by connecting to the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, and compete in the international World Monster Championship. You will be divided into five classes, based on the fighting power of your monsters and matched against random players from anywhere in the world in the same class. Battle and scout the monsters of other owners of Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 by connecting via Tag Mode. Or connect with owners of DRAGON QUEST VI: REALMS OF REVERIE and DRAGON QUEST IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies via Tag Mode to scout out monsters from even more faraway lands.

Once you have rescued your fellow airship passengers and returned safely home, there is still plenty of action to be had. You can fly straight back to the island if you fancy, with newly upgraded powers and lots of levelled up monsters to encounter. Enjoy doing the whole exploration again, this time recruiting some of the biggest and most powerful creatures from previous games.

Enjoy the hunt when Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 comes to Europe on 7th October, 2011 and be sure to check out Cubed3's recent hands-on with the game.

Box art for Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2



Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

European release date Aug 2011   North America release date Sep 2011   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date TBA   

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