Aliens Infest DS in September

By Mike Mason 20.07.2011 3

Aliens Infest DS in September on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Hold onto your motion sensors - SEGA have just announced the release of Aliens: Infestation on Nintendo DS. There's sure to be chest-bursting buffoonery by the barrel and plenty to extend your jaws around when the game is released in September this year.

2D masters WayForward have been placed in charge of Aliens: Infestation, a side-scrolling, action heavy take on the Aliens universe. They're collaborating with Gearbox Software, who are currently developing Aliens: Colonial Marines for Xbox 360, PC and PlayStation 3, with a Wii U version potentially hugging faces in the future, too.

19 different marines can be selected, each with their own unique dialogue, as players explore numerous locations from the Aliens franchise including the Sulaco, the Derelict ship and LV-426, upgrading their tools and weapons as they go. Comic book artist Chris Bachalo, known for his work with DC Comics and his own series Steampunk, has designed characters for the game.

"In contrast to our other Aliens title in the works at the moment, Aliens: Infestation delivers a game that focuses more on exploration of the expanded universe. WayForward really put all their passion into making Aliens: Infestation the definitive Aliens experience that you can fit in your pocket." - Gary Knight, Senior Vice President of Marketing, SEGA West.

Aliens: Infestation is released on Nintendo DS in September 2011. And yes, as you can tell from our media album below, you can smash things up in a Powerloader.

Box art for Aliens: Infestation





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Sorta reminds me of Alien 3 on SNES/Megadrive

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Squidboy (guest) 20.07.2011#2

Looks whack. Alien 3 on Super Nintendo had great sprite work and animation. The music and atmosphere was pretty good too.

The lack of a 3DS game is very disappointing, but Aliens:CM on PC should keep me happy, till the WiiU version, and then the new film prequel.

The more Wayforward games we get, the better!

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