3DS Gets CRUSH3D in February 2012

By Mike Mason 19.07.2011 4

3DS Gets CRUSH3D in February 2012 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

SEGA have announced that CRUSH3D will be released in Europe on February 17th 2012. The game, a 3DS adaptation of the franchise that originated on PlayStation Portable, Crush, was originally due to be released in September of this year. It is developed by Zoë Mode.

Earlier this week, in an interview with GamesIndustry.biz Zoë Mode head Paul Mottram seemingly revealed that CRUSH3D is basically already completed, but the game's release has been delayed due to Nintendo 3DS' lower than expected sales thus far.

"But now we're finding that everyone is not knowing what platform is going to succeed - we did our first 3DS title - we got Crush onto that, but we had to delay the release of that because of the success of the platform."

CRUSH3D is set in the mind of the young protagonist Danny, where he is testing out his friend’s new invention C.R.U.S.H.. When the machine falls in love with Danny, he has to work his way through mind-stretching puzzles that blend 2D and 3D elements to escape its clutches.

Are you looking forward to CRUSH3D? What do you think of this delay?

Box art for CRUSH3D

Zoe Mode







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Seriously, what the hell is up with so many third parties? Nintendo is giving you the chance for your games to shine and you just want to wait until their big-hitters finally arrive and sell a shitload of copies and systems alongside them? Oh, what did you say? Right now the system isn't selling well enough for you because Nintendo listened to your cries and waited with the big first party games? Really? Smilie

I've said it before and will say it again...Nintendo just can't win.

Yea really, I just read an article saying that tons of 3DS games made by 3rd party developers were getting cancelled. What gives?

Business, they want to make money.

Marzy said:
Business, they want to make money.

It's not as if 3DS hasn't sold well, the hype has just died down. The money is waiting right there to be taken, were people expecting DS numbers right out of the gate? That system took a while to take off too...

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