Capcom May Show Wii U Game At Tokyo Games Show

By 19.07.2011 11

Capcom May Show Wii U Game At Tokyo Games Show on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom have yet to announce any titles for Nintendo's next generation console, Wii U, but that could all change by mid-September. According to Capcom Europe boss David Reeves, the Resident Evil developer may announce something for the console at the Tokyo Games Show which takes place from 15th to 18th September.

Capcom haven’t announced anything officially on Wii U. I think they have done prototypes. There are only so many things you can get ready for E3.

But they might show something at the Tokyo Games Show which is where Wii U is more focused on. I haven’t seen anything personally myself but since the companies are quite close, I am sure they must be looking at something.

Last month, Masachika Kawata said that he'd love to make a Resident Evil for Wii U, but he isn't sure about whether his team would be the ones developing it.

Whether or not we actually will develop a Resident Evil title for Wii U, we'll put that aside as obviously I don't know yet,

But for me personally, I'd love to do just that. It's a very, very interesting piece of hardware. Whenever I see new game machines and their new possibilities get into my head, the ideas just start flowing. I'd absolutely love to make a Resident Evil on it. I really love the idea of being able to play the game even if my wife or my kids come and steal the TV. That's great, brilliant.

What would you like to see Capcom make for Wii U? Do you think they will be ready to announce something at TGS?

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Squidboy (guest) 19.07.2011#1

One could be a fighting game, Yoshinori Ono prior to E3 was asked if he could envision a fighter that used the 3DS, or another device, as a controller with a screen, he replied - "were not ready to talk about that yet, wait till e3. Nothing was said.

Squidboy (guest) 19.07.2011#2

I can see them announcing Dragons Dogma, SFxT. A WiiU version of RE:Revelations would be great, but unlikely, as is a new Vampire Savior or Demons Crest. PowerStone WiiUx3DS and Pocket Fighter Wiix3DS are stronger contenders. Svennsonny gets quiet when you mention those two franchises.


Mukkinese (guest) 19.07.2011#3

Resident evil 6 would do it for me...

joe (guest) 19.07.2011#4

Probably a Remake of Resident Evil 1 with new controller with an expected sales of 100.000 ex and if it won't sell that much, capcom will pull the plugg of Wii U. PLEASE PROVE US WRONG!

Super Marvel vs Capcom 3 prolly >.>
I'm interested in seeing more about Revelations.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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Resi 2 remake would be nice. A couple of years ago they said a RE6 could take between 4-8 years to make. But also that the next game could be a reboot of the franchise. Hopefully they've started doing something for the next step in the series and makes its way to Wii U.

Anything Mega Man plz. Tired of constantly seeing RE.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

If Megaman Legends 3 has been transfered to Wii U instead of 3DS I will forgive Capcom for all of it's transgressions...

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
Squidboy (guest) 20.07.2011#9

From the statement they put out, it seems Capcom have quelled any possibility of it appearing on any platform, anytime soon. It failed to meet criteria they laid out before the project began.

M. (guest) 20.07.2011#10

Ports ahoy.

ubiquitousTOOL (guest) 20.07.2011#11

maybe a new street fighter that utilises motioncontrols for a cool blocking and parrying system and the touch screen for changing fighting styles mid-match. and this is random, but i can picture really cool WWE titles for the Wii U.

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