Mega Man Legends 3 3DS Cancelled

By Mike Mason 20.07.2011 13

Mega Man Legends 3 3DS Cancelled on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom have announced that Mega Man Legends 3, which was to be released on Nintendo 3DS, has been cancelled. In addition, the Prototype edition - a prologue to the game's story that was to be released as a 3DS download title - has also been halted.

The writing has been on the wall for Capcom's Mega Man Legends 3 Project for a while now. After a lengthy, ten year wait for a new entry into the Mega Man Legends sub-series, Mega Man Legends 3 was finally announced in September 2010. However it wasn't long afterwards that Mega Man co-designer Keiji Inafune resigned from his Capcom Global Head of Production role in October 2010 to pursue new opportunities with his own company, Comcept.

Later, Mega Man Legends 3: Prototype, a prologue to the main game's story, was announced to launch with Nintendo 3DS' eShop; a target that was missed. It also became apparent that Mega Man Legends 3 was not yet officially greenlit for development despite ecstatic fan reaction, with Capcom merely allowing the team to continue working to prove the project worthy.

The cancellation announcement came through the official Capcom-Unity blog.

We'd like to thank you for your ongoing loyal support of Mega Man Legends 3. Today, however, we must regrettably announce the discontinuation of this project.

From the outset the MML3 Project was intended to give gamers across the world insight and input into the development process. Part of this process includes an assessment of whether the title will go into full production, and is based on a number of criteria with input from different sectors of the company.

Unfortunately it was not felt that the Mega Man Legends 3 Project met the required criteria, and it is with regret that we must announce that the Mega Man Legends 3 Project has been cancelled, meaning that Capcom will not be releasing the Prototype or the full game. Additionally, updates of the Mega Man Legends Developer Room will cease as of today, though the North American Developer Room and its forums will remain open indefinitely.

We can only express our deepest apologies to all of you who have lent us your unending support, including participation in the Mega Man Legends 3 Developer Room. On behalf of the entire Legends team, please accept our sincere apology for failing to meet the expectations of the fans.

We thank you all so much for your extended support of this title and this community, and we hope that you will continue to support the Mega Man franchise as well as other Capcom games.

The post then goes onto an FAQ that shut downs any hopes of further plans for Mega Man Legends 3 at this time and refutes Inafune-san's departure had anything to do with the game's cancellation. All fan ideas submitted to the Mega Man Legends 3 Project's Devroom for possible inclusion in the game can, of course, no longer be used, nor will they be implemented into future games.

Update: Keiji Inafune has apologised to staff and fans on his official blog.

The decision for the cancellation was out of my sphere, but as someone who took part in the development, I'd like to convey something to the staff: I'm sorry that I couldn't be of assistance.

How do you feel about Capcom's decision and the treatment of Mega Man Legends 3?


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Another 3DS game that gets cast aside... how many more times is this going to happen? I was looking forward to playing this aswell, wtf Capcom...

( Edited 19.07.2011 10:22 by Mush123 )

That is a real shame, I was generally looking forward to it.

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This now joins Assassins Creed: Lost Legacy, Saints Row 3rd and My Garden, the third party games seems to be dropping faster than its growing. Seems my 3DS will be like my wii and be mainly for nintendo developed games. I was a bit worried after Tekken and Air Combat were about the only new games announced

FFS Capcom! I was really excited for this >.>

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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Another one bytes the dust dun dun dun dun...

sorry Smilie

Dante the Gravekeeper (guest) 19.07.2011#6

To tell the truth, I'm looking forward to an Inticreates 3DS Mega Man offering before another legends title

Squidboy (guest) 19.07.2011#7

I'm disgusted by it all.

This is a load of garbage... I can not believe the third parties right now. This is like the what, third major title that has been dropped in the last few weeks? Come on people, I understand that you're leery about the 3DS due to it's so-so launch, but it's still selling decently and this holiday season should really get things going. I think it's lame that Nintendo is the only one trying to put out good games for the system at this point. How in the heck is it going to be successful if they are the only one's putting in the effort? Nintendo is giving the third parties the support. They need to start f-ing taking chances. I'm sure if they make quality games that don't have some BS features (like the ability to NOT delete saves), they could have successful titles on the 3DS for sure. Third parties, get your heads out of your asses and start making and releasing some good freakin' games. JESUS... Smilie

Glenjamin said:
This is a load of garbage... I can not believe the third parties right now. This is like the what, third major title that has been dropped in the last few weeks? Come on people, I understand that you're leery about the 3DS due to it's so-so launch, but it's still selling decently and this holiday season should really get things going. I think it's lame that Nintendo is the only one trying to put out good games for the system at this point. How in the heck is it going to be successful if they are the only one's putting in the effort? Nintendo is giving the third parties the support. They need to start f-ing taking chances. I'm sure if they make quality games that don't have some BS features (like the ability to NOT delete saves), they could have successful titles on the 3DS for sure. Third parties, get your heads out of your asses and start making and releasing some good freakin' games. JESUS... Smilie
Indeed. Fast forward one or two years and third parties will be saying the usual "Can't support because of Nintendo's first party games" BS all over again. 3DS owners are starving for good games right now. If third parties would step up their game for once and bring out quality titles then they'd actually sell but instead they decide to play it safe as usual and then complain when people only bought Nintendo's own games.

Nintendo just can't win.Smilie

It's a shame. But I never saw MML3 working out on 3DS. I think it was more deserving to start and finish itself off on the Playstation systems. (Just like how I think the original Mega Man series should have been finished on the Nintendo ones.)

I really hope Mega Man isn't dying. It just would'nt be fair for him. Ever the concept was brought up, people have given him nothing but doubt. Then he started being more successful than both Zelda and Metroid.

I don't know what happened after that. It's really grim looking imo. If Capcom doesn't put any version of him in UMvC3 or announce a game for him soon, he is as good as dead. -.- fml

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

This is incredibly depressing....if devs don't step up & grow some BALLS by doing what some doubters would say is "Impossible" NOTHING WILL CHANGE!! It is a bit of Nintendo's fault for wasting the potential of the GameCube & Wii with games that COULD have been on there & now they'll pay the price...the really messed up thing is that WE are the ones who truly suffer because devs tend to play things a little TOO safe.

Nintendo needs developers who aren't afraid to ignore what people are saying & just do what seems good & fun regardless of popular doubt like what Itagaki did with Ninja Gaiden DS!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

*flips over a table* >Smilie

SuperShyGuy62 said:
Then he started being more successful than both Zelda and Metroid.

Mega Man was never more successful than either of those two series, I don't know how you came to that conclusion.
The first Zelda sold 6.5 million copies, the first Metroid sold 2.73 million copies and the best selling Mega Man game (Mega Man 2) sold 1.5 million copies.

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