Capcom's Buttonless 3DS Game in Action

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.07.2011 3


Capcom have released new footage from the upcoming unique 3DS game: touch, feel, hear but don't use any buttons in this mystery title.

Announced back in March this year, Nazo Waku Mansion aims to be a very sensory experience. Players stumble upon a mansion of some sort and need to rely on everything but regular button input to progress - it'll even make good use of 3D sounds through the 3DS's surround speakers or a decent pair of headphones.

Shake the 3DS, use the gyros to look around, microphone to talk and blow - just don't touch those buttons! The game is due out August 4th in Japan - any western release has yet to be confirmed.


Via Siliconera.

Box art for Nazo Waku Yakata: Oto no Ma ni Ma ni








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Seems like a very odd version of WarioWare(which is odd in itself), it's up for pre-order on Play-Asia, so I was wondering what it was, should be excellent if the trailer's anything to go by.

Squidboy (guest) 19.07.2011#2

Looks a little like Capcom's Gregory Horror Show combined with Nintendo's WarioWare.

Steve (guest) 20.07.2011#3

So they are basically doing iphone games for the 3DS now?

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