Shinobi Nips Onto 3DS in November

By Mike Mason 19.07.2011

Shinobi Nips Onto 3DS in November on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

An all-new Shinobi game for Nintendo 3DS was announced at E3 following a long absence for the franchise, which hasn't seen a new entry since 2003's Nightshade on PlayStation 2. Today SEGA Europe put the word out that the ninja's latest adventures will arrive in Europe later this year.

Griptonite Games are in charge of bringing Shinobi into the world of glasses-less 3D, carrying over the 2D side-scrolling style familiar to fans of the series, mixed with new 3D into-the-screen stages. StreetPass content and mini-games will also be included alongside the star-throwing and magic flinging of the story mode.

The E3 trailer, freshly PEGI-fied for European release and now proclaiming the release month for all to see:


Update: SEGA have confirmed that Shinobi will instead be released on the eye-pleasing date of November 11th 2011 in Europe, in contrast to the September release mentioned in the trailer above.

Shinobi for Nintendo 3DS will put players in the shoes of Jiro Musashi, the father of Joe Musashi from the original 1989 release, offering a glimpse into Musashi family history. Sporting a vast story mode as well as an innovative, yet to be announced StreetPass mode, Shinobi will keep players coming back for more ninja action.

Are you excited to return to the world of Shinobi?

Box art for Shinobi





2D Platformer



C3 Score

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (1 Votes)

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