Aonuma: New Zelda Skyward Sword Details

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.06.2011 4

Aonuma: New Zelda Skyward Sword Details on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma spoke to Japanese magazine Famitsu this week on all things Skyward Sword. It’s back to school for protagonist Link!

Aonuma shared a few new details on the forthcoming Wii adventure, including tidbits on the intriguing storyline - comparing the latest chapter to Majora’s Mask in some ways - a more character-driven quest for your favourite Hylian hero.

  • Zelda isn't a princess this time round. Instead she's Link’s childhood friend - an ordinary girl living up on the clouds in a floating town known as Skyloft. As seen during E3, she's in danger as she falls to the human-less ground world below.
  • The storyline Aonuma describes as like a "school drama", with Link competing against his class mates and a rival of some sort. His rival shows up throughout the game in other ways too.
  • Like Majora there’ll be significant events for people in Skyloft that get intertwined within the main story. Link, Zelda and all their friends go to the same school - there’ll be teachers and a principal as well - a different setting to previous Zelda adventures.
  • With previous games, better more powerful items would show up towards the end of the game - it became a little too predictable. Miyamoto wants to mix it up by bringing "neat" new items out from the very beginning.
  • Aonuma was questioned whether Skyloft would be the sole world - he responded by saying that it's only people in Skyloft, with the land below inhabited by all sorts of beasts.
  • Each person in Skyloft should have one bird - a "Loftbird". Link has a special, rare red bird that causes him to be picked on by jealous classmates. The red bird is needed to access the ground below though - it's as if it were fate!
  • Main antagonist Ghirahim is, in a way, like "Dark Link", where he sees through Link's moves in battle. Players will need to change their strategy when battling the new boss - he'll change gradually throughout the game too. It seems he’ll be a recurring boss!
  • Ganondorf's presence hasn't been confirmed, but Aonuma did reiterate how Skyward Sword has connections to Ocarina of Time and the birth of the Master Sword.
  • The game is finally complete and the team are putting the fine-tuning in place.
  • The non-English localisation is in progress at the moment and Nintendo are hoping for a simultaneous worldwide release for Skyward Sword. Aonuma doesn't want the story to be spoiled if one region gets the new adventure too early before the rest.
  • Via Zelda Informer.

    What do you think of the new Zelda game - are you excited for the new plot and potentially Ganondorf-less adventure?

    Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword





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    I didn't read the actual article because I'm avoiding almost everything Skyward Sword related but I'd like to thank jb here for keeping the entry for the article on the mainpage spoiler-free. Smilie I've come across quite some sites that don't bother to do that. Smilie

    I read the first half, but skipped the rest when they mentioned the final boss etc.

    Worldwide simultaneous release is nice, I hope they make it. Smilie

    This game truly seems to be a bit different.... I like Smilie

    Met388 (guest) 02.07.2011#4

    One step closer to my Zelda harem

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