Tactics Ogre Creator Joins Level-5

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.06.2011 5

Tactics Ogre Creator Joins Level-5 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Yasumi Matsuno, the chap behind games like Tactics Ogre and Final Fantasy XII has joined Professor Layton studio, Level 5.

This week's Famitsu magazine confirmed the news, speaking to both Matsuno and Level-5's CEO Akihiro Hino. Both had hoped to make a game together over a year ago, but came together once Tactics Ogre PSP had wrapped up.

The main reasons for the move was that Matsuno had a strong impression from Level 5's flagship games - Professor Layton and footy sim Inazuma Eleven. He wants to learn from both the studio and Hino's own philosophies and ideas, with greater say in the games and how they turn out.

Hino dubbed Matsuno a "creator amongst creators" and feels his studio will be able to do things that they previously haven't been able to do. He now has free rein, the ability to do something new and "Matsuno-ish". On that note Matsuno himself feels that it is difficult to create new things within the industry today, but the new opportunity makes him happy. Nice!

Matsuno produced games Vagrant Story and Final Fantasy XII are two of the very select list of games to receive a perfect 40/40 Famitsu score.

On the project itself, it revolves around an idea he had around 10 years ago and isn't an extention of his catalogue. He feels it should be in the same quality in production as Ogre (perhaps similar style - translation is uncertain), and to be enjoyed by both his fans and kids. Matsuno hopes that children will also enjoy the new game.

One of the challenges is to make a compact but deep game in a short space of time - he doesn't plan on working on the game for two years, instead something new that would undergo a "quick" turn-around time in production. He wants to challenge the team into areas of the industry that haven't been explored at Level-5 yet - it's okay for him to do what he wants.

According to Andriasang, a handful of drawings were shown to Famitsu - one of a knight holding a large shield and various units with axes and bows, and some form of magician.

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Vagrant Story and FFXII are fantastic games. To have the man behind those games join your company must be wonderful. I expect good things.

Our member of the week

This bodes well for Nintendo too, considering Level-5 has a high focus on Nintendo's handhelds as of late.

A game with the large scale of Final Fantasy XII in the palm of your hand in full 3D anyone Smilie ?

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:

A game with the large scale of Final Fantasy XII in the palm of your hand in full 3D anyone Smilie ?

Oof, that might tempt even me to buy a 3DS then. The freedom and scale of FFXII was immense.

I'm more in love with Tactics Ogre and Ogre Battle than his other creations. Smilie Hope he finds a good home in Level-5.

Everything has a consequence and a reward.

Final Fantasy XII gets so much hate but its one of my favourite FF's, and level 5's one of my favourite developers. Cant wait to see what Matsuno can bring to the table

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