Miyamoto Confirms Zelda is Coming to Wii U

By 22.06.2011 22

Miyamoto Confirms Zelda is Coming to Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Though Zelda made an appearance in one of the Wii U tech demos at E3, that was just an example of what a Zelda game could look like on Nintendo's new system. It's now been confirmed by Shigeru Miyamoto that Zelda will be coming to Wii U and Nintendo plan to create a "real" and "in-depth" HD Zelda game for it, that also utilizes the new controller features too.

Whilst speaking about the systems capabilities, Miyamoto revealed to Kotaku: "This is an HD system, our first HD system, and we want to create a real HD Zelda game for it. You will see a lot of these in-depth and deep experiences in terms of visual style. You will also see some play styles that are fun and interesting because of the play structure."

He also stated that there won't be any restrictions on developers to leverage the HD visuals in particular ways, explaining: "Even if you are using a simplier visual style it will still look very beautiful."

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M. (guest) 22.06.2011#1

Someone needs to tell him it's not 2006 anymore.

Big surprise...

M. (guest) said:
Someone needs to tell him it's not 2006 anymore.

-1 for you.

He's a 'guest' so I doubt it matters weather he gets thumbed down or not, some people are just so immature they don't see it.

Anyway, this news is no big surprise, I'd love to see Zelda with those graphics, or better since I think the console can do better. I do want Link to be left handed though, or at least have an option to be left handed if they use WM+, all they have to do is switch the character model around, not the whole world like they did with TP.

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Stulaw said:
...all they have to do is switch the character model around, not the whole world like they did with TP.

That's true. Was it really necessary to flip the whole bloody world?

Heh, this reminds me of when they showed the tech demo of Zelda for GameCube, then came out with Toon Link xD I don't expect that to happen this time, but I do hope we haven't seen the last of Toon Link on a Nintendo home console. HD Celda is what I want from the series more than anything right now.

Azuardo said:

Heh, this reminds me of when they showed the tech demo of Zelda for GameCube, then came out with Toon Link xD I don't expect that to happen this time, but I do hope we haven't seen the last of Toon Link on a Nintendo home console. HD Celda is what I want from the series more than anything right now.

My gut feeling is telling me that we won't see the artstyle in the tech demo (no big surprise there) but rather a new take on Wind Waker's artstyle. I highly doubt that they are just going to rely on its artstyle for a completely new game. I'm certain that we are going to be blown away though. Skyward Sword already looks so brilliant and it's not even HD and far, far behind what the Wii U is capable of.

I'm however even more curious about the controller they will be using. Are they going to ditch WM+ after Skyward Sword in favour of using the Upad? Or will they stick with it because it was working so well in Skyward Sword? I think that they'll go with the Upad just to show off what's possible; it's Nintendo themselves after all. Doubt that both control methods will be supported because then it would just be Twilight Princess all over again because enemies and sometimes puzzles have to be made for those 1:1 slashes.

I want at least the option to use WM+.

Hm I also want coop play! Imagine 1 controlling Link with WM+, another controlling an ally with the Upad!

This just in, Nintendo will be releasing a new MARIO game for the WiiU!..... yaaaaaaaay.....

Harley (guest) 22.06.2011#9

im going to be honest.......i wasnt a big fan of twilight princess, there i said it, i mean im sorry but i didnt like it, dull story, could of used better artstyle (more colour, like o.o.t, m.m, w.w etcetc),didnt like the whole twilight realm thing, nothing really that memorable about it for me :/, also ganondorf was so easy, vaati is alot better of a boss, more orginal and could beat ganondorf (concidering gannondorf has been used alot now, and really?, his most powerful form was in twilight princess, and was rediculously easy to beat, he was more dificult in wind waker), i love all zelda games, its my favorite ever seires, just this one never cought on to me, and i am allowed my opinion, i'd like to see a windwaker styled sequel on a CONSOLE again, i love S.T(not to big a fan of P.H though), but they never had the breath of fresh air windwaker had, or something along those lines, im really looking forward to skyward sword, mainly because it has similarities games like, minish cap and windwaker, because like them this is going to add a lot of new depth to the seires which we need alot of now really, because im also going to be honest here, its starting to get a bit samey with the master sword, its had its run now so can we have a new item for a few games now miyamoto?, i adore you in every way for what you do, but please, just stop using the master sword for a bit? Smilie

What made twilight annoying was the stupid wolf mechanic. It was dull and boring.

Willy Wonker (guest) 23.06.2011#11

Yay, some smart-ass comments ...

M. (guest) 23.06.2011#12

Do Nintendo get a -1 for now attempting to push HD despite being 5 years behind the rest of the market?

Nick (guest) 23.06.2011#13

M. (guest) said:
Do Nintendo get a -1 for now attempting to push HD despite being 5 years behind the rest of the market?

Do sony get -1 for pushing motion & touch screen controlls despite being 5-7 years behind nintendo?

After the stylized takes on Wind Waker and now Skyward Sword I can only imagine how they could use the new specs to reaaaally go all out on a watercolors/oil painting style for the next one...

M. (guest) 23.06.2011#15

Well if the article was about motion/touch control then yes, but it's not, it's about Nintendo and HD. And besides lets not pretend that Nintendo invented motion/touch controls, both had be around well before the Wii,and the whole concept behind the console was simply adapted from that used in the Arcades in early '90s

erc (guest) 23.06.2011#16

If they pull another Twilight Princess GC/Wii port but with Skyward Sword from Wii/WiiU port...it would be just sad...Likelihood...Maybe. 50/50 chance is my guess.

M - and sony didnt invent HD. The point was sony was "late" to use motion controls and touchscreens in the EXACT same way Nintendo was "late" to use HD.

EdEN said:
After the stylized takes on Wind Waker and now Skyward Sword I can only imagine how they could use the new specs to reaaaally go all out on a watercolors/oil painting style for the next one...

Now THAT would be cool.

Personaly, I've always been in favor of a style that shifts with the mood of the area your in.

Imagine having some areas realistic, but then shift to watercolour, and then to pointalism or even some really mental Cubism bits!
Could be incredible, if hard to pull off.

Of course, thats just visuals.
Along with others above, Id still want MP gameplay. However good Skyward Sword is, there will be refinements and new possibilitys and ideas yet to be done.
Purhapes using the 1:1 to let us really interact with materials in the world. Carving magic runes on a wall to make spells happen? Or maybe making grooves in the ground to guide water into an area to make something float up? (or oil to then set it on fire...)

Theres so many weird possibilitys about once you have greater interaction with the world then just "hit thing, aim thing, use thing" controls Smilie

( Edited 23.06.2011 23:31 by Darkflame )

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M. (guest) 24.06.2011#18

Can someone please point to post where I stated Sony invented HD? My eyes must be deceiving me because I can't seem to find this and I must have said this. Again what relevance does Sony and motion controls have in relation to an article about Nintendo and HD? None of the major console manufacturers invented motion or touch controls, so it's pointless to criticise one over another.

And can you point to anywhere where anyone said Nintendo invented motion controls?
We are using your own argument against you - you seem trying very hard not to understand this.

so it's pointless to criticise one over another.

..and yet you are, over the implementation of HD.

Nintendo had HD later, motioncontrols/touchscreen earlier.
Sony, visa-versa.

Why you find one worthy of critism and not the other is what we are highlighting here.

Honestly, its pretty simply to follow the argument, not sure why your having so much trouble.

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I personally liked all the artstyles Zelda-games used in the end (at least aside from Zelda 2, which I didn't have played yet).
I was a bit taken aback with the Celda-style, but t be honest, it's the style, that did age the least.

But I am looking forward to get an HD-Zelda, that looks stunning and crisp. I like to see a Link, which is based on his anime-style from OOT and Twilight Princess.
I do not need and do not want Link to be too realistic like... let's say... Resident Evil 5. But Zelda with Twilight Princess' style pushed farther into reality with more polygons, crisp textures, light effects and far sight... anytime for me!

But still: The best thing for every Zelda for me was, that after 5 minutes of playing, graphics wasn't important to me anymore, since I was drawn into gameplay, atmosphere, having the feeling, that I am the one in control and not the leveldesign. That's the really important thing about a Zelda game.
But never the less am I glad, Miyamoto thinks, great HD graphics is important for the Wii-U-Zelda, too.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!
-Prince of Darkness (guest) 26.06.2011#21

Ahem, Harley, I' sorry but for din's, farores', and nayru's sake. the master sword and ganondorf are what helps make the zelda series what it is. Vaati? vaati is nothing compared to ganondorf. OoT, WW, TP, the original, ALTTP, all feature ganon or ganondorf. All are very excellent. Four of those five include the master sword. The sword of evil's bane is by far the most famous weapon in the series. If not the master sword then what else, the "phantom Blade" or "Lokomo Sword" ,why don't link just stick with the kokiri sword or wooden sword. Did you ever consider why ganondorf was used a lot, perhaps because he was an excellent villain. If you think he has been used too much and nintendo should replace him then why don't they just replace link, zelda and hyrule as as well, why wont they, because they've struck gold with ganondorf,and vaati is most definitely not a lot better of a boss and not more original and could never, ever beat ganondorf

M. (guest) 26.06.2011#22

There is the point, oh and there it is being missed. My original statement was not criticising Nintendo for implenting HD, my criticism is with them now seemingly making an issue about this (despite years of dismissing it) and for using the same rhetoric that Sony and Microsoft came out with in 2006. Nintendo deserve to be criticised for this, just like like Sony warranted criticism with it's marketing for the Move? Understand now? Or is this still too difficult to grasp?

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