C3 Special | What We Want on Nintendo 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.06.2011 13

The world has seen Nintendo 3DS launch across all major territories, hitting the retail scene hard at first, breaking various records along the way, before eventually starting to settle down as the promised stream of new games failed to appear directly after the platform’s debut. Before the expected deluge of new announcements at next month’s E3 event over in the US, Cubed3 came up with a few ideas of what the team would like to see make an appearance at some point in the future to spur sales on even more.

Shane Jury, Reviewer

Image for C3 Special | What We Want on Nintendo 3DSAs an entertainment device, 3DS has massive potential to tap into media other than games should Nintendo so choose, 3D movies in particular, and it is this line of thinking that brings me to the game I most want to see on the machine: Viewtiful Joe 3(D).

Whereas Clover Studios (R.I.P.) previously focused on the dual screen aspect with the sliding and touch powers in Viewtiful Joe Double Trouble, here I'd like to see Capcom/Platinum Games add a new background dimension with the 3D effect; keep the game on a 2D plane but make use of a new layer too. The hardware itself is plenty powerful enough to support a solid rendition of the game, unlike the original DS that had enemy limitations and slight framerate issues. With the recent handheld entry into the Okami series, I believe Clover's other top franchise is due a new portable outing, and Viewtiful Joe fans are due an answer as to who or what is in that castle.

Image for C3 Special | What We Want on Nintendo 3DSAnother title I believe that 3DS can do justice to, and one that isn't completely impossible considering Nintendo are clearly keeping the game alive, is Pokemon Trading Card Game. Konami have delivered a steady stream of decent Yu-Gi-Oh! games for Nintendo's dual-screened behemoth for many years now, but the device has yet to see a new entry into the playground phenomenon that sowed its roots on the original Game Boy with two solid entries. The use of the touch-screen speaks for itself, and with downloadable content and online matches, a new Pokémon Trading Card Game could easily captivate a whole new audience whilst reigning in the old crowd. The 3D effect would be more a cosmetic flashy addition here; it would be the rest of the 3DS’ features that would bring Pokemon Trading Card Game back to the forefront of attention.

Ross Marrs, News Writer

Image for C3 Special | What We Want on Nintendo 3DSI guess I’m a bit of a hypocrite. I’ve been saying for months that I wouldn’t want to see too many ports of older games come to the 3DS. I really don’t think ports are the right way to go with a new console and with the capabilities of the 3DS, I believe that developers should be trying to create original software for the system. Whilst I still stick by that opinion, I would like one port of a Super Nintendo game; well, three actually.

Ever since the release of the Donkey Kong Country games on the Super Nintendo, Rare have developed portable versions so fans could play on the go. Whilst these were satisfactory, the hardware limitations of previous handheld systems made the experience less appealing, with the lush visuals and high quality music stripped from them. Due to this problem, I had hopes Rare would re-port the three original Donkey Kong Country games onto the DS, with improved visuals. Those hopes were dashed though, and to be honest I’m now glad they are.

Image for C3 Special | What We Want on Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS seems like the perfect opportunity to make my dream come to life, especially since rumours are circling around that Rare might be developing games for the system. The system’s extra horsepower would mean they could remake the sprites using the same 3D modelling technique used in the originals, though they would be much cleaner this time. The same could be done with the games’ environmental backdrops and, as seen with Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition, 2D games can use stereoscopic 3D well enough, giving them more depth. What else could they improve? Well, one of my problems with the originals was the lack of a good save feature, wherein you had to get through a number of stages to get to a save point. This was later improved upon in the Game Boy Advance ports, where you had the ability to save after you completed each level.

Another thing I’d like to see more of on the 3DS: original games from Nintendo. The company constantly delve back into their hit franchises and occasionally dip their toes into something new, like Steel Diver, but that game did not appear very exciting nor was it content heavy. To put it briefly, I would like Nintendo to create something new and exciting, but with good quality and content to it.

Rudy Lavaux, Reviewer

Image for C3 Special | What We Want on Nintendo 3DSSeeing as the system is really powerful in the graphics department, I can see a Castlevania game for 3DS working really well. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow was one of those first year games on DS which helped the fledgling dual screen system to build a consistent library of titles which attracted lots of gamers. As it stands right now, the 3DS could really use some games like that to attract more players. The title could be either fully 3D à la Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, or a new 2.5D style of game à la Dracula X Chronicles, but with some 3D depth to add to the visual flare, considering that the Castlevania series proved to be working much better with a 2D style of gameplay. From a story point of view, there are plenty of ideas to build upon: the events in 1999 which led to Julius Belmont's amnesia, or how Morris Baldwin managed to emprison Dracula in 1820, prior to the events of Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (and I sure want to see the DSS card system given another go). Koji Igarashi, the Castlevania Meister, has expressed interest in 3DS already, and seeing how Nintendo’s previous two portable consoles got three exclusive Castlevania games each, a new entry into the franchise for 3DS is almost a given.

Image for C3 Special | What We Want on Nintendo 3DSThough the Game Boy Advance original is getting a free-to-download DSiWare port later this year, another series I can easily imagine working really well is a 3DS-specific entry into the The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords sub-series. In the past, playing Four Swords meant you had to gather players in the same room, or even that each player had to own a Game Boy Advance and a GBA-to-GameCube link cable to connect to the home console if you were to play Four Swords Adventures. Now, with the 3DS’ expanded online capabilities, each player could play from anywhere where the Internet is available, and chat with the other players via a voice chat system, or even video chat. The stereoscopic 3D screen could make a 3D game with a top down view look incredible on the handheld screen, giving the impression that the player sees the action from high up above. Of course, I don't imagine a game such as this being in 3D à la Ocarina of Time, as this would reduce visibility of where the other players are and hinder cooperation.

I'd really like to see a new Metroid Prime released on Nintendo 3DS too. It has more than enough processing power to produce a gorgeous experience, with gameplay similar to Metroid Prime Hunters which worked really well and proved that DS was capable of providing awesome gameplay in the FPS genre. Please don't put all the focus on the multiplayer aspect this time around, Nintendo! Give us a solo adventure at least on par with the original Metroid Prime, with a multiplayer part devoid of any lag and gameplay at least as good as on the DS (which should not be too difficult since they already have the Metroid Prime Hunters canvas to weave upon). That way fans of both aspects of the Metroid Prime series, solo exploration and multiplayer action, will be pleased. Make it happen Nintendo!

Stuart Lawrence, News Writer

Image for C3 Special | What We Want on Nintendo 3DSI’ve only owned a 3DS for a short amount of time, and all I’ve been playing on it recently is Ridge Racer, and I’ve been thinking that it would be better if it was faster and more challenging. Then it hit me - F-Zero would be perfect for the system. Yes some people might feel sick or nauseated from the experience of hyperspeed rollercoaster like tracks with all their twists and turns in 3D, but it would look incredible, even more so when your car blows up in your face... if you’re not skilled enough to avoid that situation, that is. Plus there’s the potential for a brilliant online mode like Mario Kart Wii, only better, with only the one Friend Code in circulation per system. A Formula 1 title would be great for similar reasons.

Image for C3 Special | What We Want on Nintendo 3DSAR Games could be expanded upon; I’d love to see more of them. Playing around with the AR cards that come with the system only made me realise the opportunities that companies could take with card based franchises. For example, in Yu-Gi-Oh! you could have five to ten cards that represent a whole host of monsters, or if you already have the cards, you could scan them in via camera recognition, instead of entering in the code at the bottom.

I’d like to see a 3D action-adventure RPG or beat-em-up akin to the likes of Devil May Cry, and since Nintendo has Pandora’s Tower on Wii, I think it’d work perfectly with the 3D effect on the 3DS as well. Instead of just simply porting the game, a sequel or spin off built for the system would be excellent. I could just imagine enemies being flung at the screen in 3D. In fact, I think MadWorld or a game like it would be great as well, if the story was longer and the gameplay was less repetitive.

Nothing on 3DS has impressed me as much as the Metal Gear Solid 3 demo I saw last year in terms of 3D, so I’m thinking that something slow paced and film-like would do the trick. Heavy Rain was critically acclaimed on PlayStation 3, so if something in the lines of that could be made for the 3DS, I think it would look fantastic. Hopefully a developer will catch on to this and produce something similar.

Adam Riley, Senior Editor

Image for C3 Special | What We Want on Nintendo 3DSTrying to write something for this special Nintendo 3DS article has proven to be far more awkward than expected. Sure, the idea of having all your favourite games with an extra little bit of 3D spice added in is fantastic, yet not everything would truly benefit from the addition so much that you would be loathe to return to the traditional 2D experience. A large part of the problem lies with the initial line-up for the new portable system and how nothing has particular lit the world alight in terms of the overall technology.

However, taking a step back and looking at some of the more interesting Nintendo DS releases of late, I cannot help but turn to that casual classic, the Hidden Object genre. There have already been some amazing examples of how the genre does not have to reach out to the lowest common denominator, with City Interactive leading the way with Vampire Moon: Mystery of the Hidden Sun and the new release Murder in Venice mixing together traditional scenarios of searching for items cleverly mixed into the background of the numerous locations visited, with a gripping storyline and plenty of extra mini-games to keep players on their toes.

Image for C3 Special | What We Want on Nintendo 3DSThe thought of having these perplexing stages transformed into three-dimensional environments is definitely of personal appeal, with the prospect of being able to move objects in 3D space to uncover elusive objects, delving deeper into a room to investigate further, all the while coming across mini-games that use 3D trickery to keep the stakes high at all times.

If City Interactive decided to bring its big guns to the Nintendo 3DS, such as Chronicles of Mystery and Crime Lab: Body of Evidence, which both focus more on the adventuring side with hidden object and mini-games as a nice aside, I would certainly be there on Day One!

Mike Mason, Reviews Editor

Image for C3 Special | What We Want on Nintendo 3DSMany of the ideas I would enjoy on 3DS have already been covered by my esteemed colleagues above, but I have recently taken inspiration from the launch of Nintendo eShop - in particular, 3DS Virtual Console launch title Alleyway. Brick-breaking games could be given a fresh new perspective by altering the angle of the play board, tilted so that balls are fired back into the screen to smash away bricks that lie far away from the player’s eyes, the paddle perhaps protruding from the screen slightly. The foremost bricks would have to be chipped away to reveal successive, hitherto hidden or partially hidden, layers, and many of Alleyway’s gameplay mechanics, such as bricks moving closer to the paddle as time goes on in certain stages, would be made all the more tense by the walls creeping towards the player’s eyes.

Tetrisphere would work well with 3DS’ stereoscopic key feature also. Tetrominoes would float immediately before players as they rotate the playfield to select the best places to slot them in, before sinking the pieces in towards the sphere positioned deep into the screen.

Image for C3 Special | What We Want on Nintendo 3DSThen, of course, there is the Pokémon Snap suggestion, a game that seems to tip from my fingers every single time a new system comes out. Nintendo have proven that Augmented Reality works well with Pokémon with Pokédex 3D’s model positioning and QR code reading, but what if you could search around your living room with 3DS’ cameras, searching under sofas for that Caterpie to add to your photo album, or taking to the garden on the hunt for an Eevee? Using 3DS’ in-built clock, the game would be able to set which Pokémon are available to photograph according to the time of day, and colour detection as used in AR Games’ Fishing could determine what sort of monster you’re likely to find. Want a Magmar? Find lots of red. Of course, the standard Pokémon Snap on-rails sections would have to be present - in which your camera could be controlled with 3DS’ gyroscopes.

Jorge Ba-oh, Founder/Editor

Image for C3 Special | What We Want on Nintendo 3DSEveryone probably knows that I'm a huge, huge Legend of Zelda fan and since playing the 3DS version of Ocarina of Time the possibilities for other series remakes and even newer portable stories to be told in 3D are almost endless. Imagine how even more expansive the great sea would look if you're sailing on in a version Wind Waker for 3DS?

Link's boat bopping across the water in the foreground, with seagulls elegantly sailing towards the back, with hurricanes and deadly sea creatures teasing in the distance. It would be epic! It would sit nicely with previous DS entries Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, and given how well the 1998 Nintendo 64 game translated onto the hardware, a new adventure in third person with the Wind Waker action would be worth every rupee!

Image for C3 Special | What We Want on Nintendo 3DSTaking a step back in time, Majora's Mask would certainly benefit from being re-told in 3D - could you imagine how disturbing the moon would look peering back at you in 3D, or how some of the more trickier platforming moments could be approached easier with 3D making it easier and more natural to judge distance With Nintendo already having most of the remade assets from Ocarina of Time, a 3DS version of its sequel should be a given!

What the 3DS hasn't done yet is the first person genre, especially shooting games. We keep looking back at the Nintendo 64 era for inspiration, but some of the most loved gems could be given new life if brought back in 3D. Despite all the licensing issues, imagine how brilliant Goldeneye 007 or Perfect Dark could look redesigned in 3D, really taking you closer to the action and giving that sense of truly being the person behind the gun. Bullet sprays, tank action, planes and space-ships looming from above would be the stepping stones for some immersive new experiences in first person. It wouldn't necessarily have to be shooting either - swordplay, fishing and archery...ah, we're stumbling back into Zelda territory here.

Link's Crossbow Training would be an excellent addition, given how Ocarina of Time benefitted from motion control in first person (with 3D off, regardless!)

So that's what I would love to see more of on the 3DS - first person and adventure games, beautiful 3D worlds that truly make you part of the experience.

With so much potential available on the Nintendo 3DS, stemming from its numerous features and forms of functionality, the challenge is now up to developers around the world to make the best use of the 3D portable console in order to stoke the fire that whipped gamers into a frenzy prior to the Nintendo 3DS launch.

What ideas, concepts or enhanced ports would you like to see appear on the new system, though?

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Honestly, the only game I REALLY want to appear on the 3DS is a new Four Swords with a kick-ass online mode. I loved playing Four Swords Adventures with my little sister so much back then and that was only with 2 players too! The only real downside always was getting the needed equipment and other players, so a version where I could just go online and play with people anytime coupled with a much more in-depth Versus mode, voicechat, tons of levels and challenges with regular Spotpass content, more items and maybe a ranking system would be totally amazing.Smilie If I didn't already have a 3DS, I'd buy one for such a game alone.

That's not to say that I'm not looking forward to or welcoming other new possible games for the 3DS though. Four Swords is simply the only one that I really, really want to see on the 3DS as of right now.

Obviously, I'm really excited for an original 3DS Zelda as well. Smilie Wonder which direction Nintendo is going to take there.

( Edited 11.10.2012 10:48 by Guest )

Monster Hunter 3DS. That's it. I'm good for like a year.

( Edited 11.10.2012 10:48 by Guest )

One of you mentioned F-Zero. Well it would be PERFECT for the 3DS. Fast racing in actual 3D. The 3DS is a pretty strong device and could handle some real nice effects... Yeah, yeah. Online of course.

I'm hoping for a Monster Hunter 3D. Just thinking of them critters in 3D... Make my day!

A space shooter. BUT one more like Elite or Space Rouge maybe even with a good online so you can deal with other players.

In general, much more original content and not just remakes or old IPs. Bring on something that can use the whole potential of the handheld (3d, mic, online, touch screen etc...)

I think the simple design of F-Zero will allow it to run in 60fps in 3D as well, hence why I mentioned it.

Rez on the 3DS would work well as well, or give people headaches, either way it'll be awesome.

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Stulaw said:
Rez on the 3DS would work well as well, or give people headaches, either way it'll be awesome.


Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Four Swords is absolutely a no brainer.

Eternal Darkness 2? :p Ok, I want that on anything...but with the 3DS's features you could have some really funcky sanity effects O_O

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Ace Attorney 3D. The only time it switches to 3D is when he shouts OBJECTION and his finger is all in your face. I think it could work really nicely, improve the sprite work, it would look good as a kind of pop out effect rather than fully animating the characters. Just an idea.

Jax (guest) 19.06.2011#8

What I really want is a sequel to Last window or Hotel dusk. But because of cing being bankrupt we might not ever see another cing title again Smilie

Jax (guest) said:
What I really want is a sequel to Last window or Hotel dusk. But because of cing being bankrupt we might not ever see another cing title again Smilie

That would be *so* good, though I think the 3DS can't be positioned in the "book" format anymore because of the 3D effect. Would be great as a 2D title, or one where you'd rotate the 3DS back for 3D cutscenes or puzzles perhaps. Tis a shame, Cing was a fantastic developer!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Mocha (guest) 19.06.2011#10

Remember Disaster: Day Of Crisis on the Wii? I'd like to see a sequel for the 3DS, but more hardcore. A game and storyline that PS360 owners will buy a 3DS to play.

Tim Q (guest) 19.06.2011#11

the 3DS cartridges can hold up to 8 GB (reportedly) thats enough to fit the PS3 version of GTA4 on the system and the GTA experience would be even more awsome in 3D. (at least i think so)

I would like to see remakes of Super Mario Bros 1, 2, and 3. Also a remake of Super Mario rpg from the snes and finally remake of Donkey Kong 64.

Tim Q (guest) said:
the 3DS cartridges can hold up to 8 GB (reportedly) thats enough to fit the PS3 version of GTA4 on the system and the GTA experience would be even more awsome in 3D. (at least i think so)

That makes me think about how good Chinatown Wars would be in 3D Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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