MotionPlus Temporarily Scrapped from Skyward Sword

By 17.06.2011 10

MotionPlus Temporarily Scrapped from Skyward Sword on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During a recent interview with IGN, The Legend of Zelda producer, Enji Aonuma, revealed some interesting information about development hiccups that occurred with Skyward Sword. In fact, one of the issues was one of the games main selling point's. Aonuma revealed that for a 3 month period, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword didn't feature MotionPlus controls.

This decision was apparently made after years of development of Skyward Sword, with the MotionPlus technology in mind. Aonuma had second thoughts about the control option and wondered whether is was the right direction to go for a big Zelda release. This then lead the game into a 3 month period were no MotionPlus was used whilst the team at Nintendo worked on it.

Aonuma was brought round again though, through the persuasion of Katsuya Eguchi, who worked on Wii Sports Resort. Aonuma said: "Mr. Eguchi came to me and said, 'Look at all these things you can do with Motion Plus, why wouldn't you use this in a Zelda game? It would be strange not to!". He also stated that there's going to be "bigger and bolder swordplay experience to the game" and the team has been hard at work during the past year to create powerful enemies and bringing sword clashes to the gameplay.

The last year of development has "been testing those ideas, fleshing them out, and integrating them into the game, bringing the whole package together. Tying all those elements together has been a big part of what we've done in the last year" said Aonuma.

Skyward Sword is set to be released this holiday, but for those wanting to get a slice of Zelda action now, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D is hitting stores today!

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword





Action Adventure



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I wonder when this happened.

I mean it'd have been weird for them to announce it was MotionPlus compatible and then release a game without MotionPlus??

In any case I'm glad it does, I'd like to finally try it out >:

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SuperLink said:
I wonder when this happened.

I mean it'd have been weird for them to announce it was MotionPlus compatible and then release a game without MotionPlus??

In any case I'm glad it does, I'd like to finally try it out >:

It happened before the game was announced.. And this is very old news, from around when Skyward Sword was first announced.

Your Twitter post was very misleading. And this news was over a year old. Why is it making arounds on multiple sites yet again? �_�

Whats the point of motion plus if games dont use it. Whats the point of motion controls full stop if we cant try them in a meaningful way. Without Zelda there are zero top draw games on the wii that use motion controls in a fully fledge game

( Edited 17.06.2011 14:22 by meeto_0 )

Does anyone know if the game will come with a MotionPlus adapter?

@ meeto, you should try Red Steel 2 if you haven't already, but yeah, there aren't enough games that use WM+.

And as XCWarrior says, the is news from last years E3 with Iwata asks.

Edit: Cheese, the game will come with a WM+ golden remote.

( Edited 17.06.2011 17:51 by Stulaw )

Stulaw said:

Edit: Cheese, the game will come with a WM+ golden remote.

Sweeet, hope it doesn't bump the cost up too much! Smilie

They haven't announced how much the game+Wiimote+ bundle will cost (assuming it's a bundle). I hope it won't be more than €70...

Stulaw said:
@ meeto, you should try Red Steel 2 if you haven't already, but yeah, there aren't enough games that use WM+.

And as XCWarrior says, the is news from last years E3 with Iwata asks.

Edit: Cheese, the game will come with a WM+ golden remote.

I did but I couldnt get into it. FPS for some reason make me nauseous. Plus it was far too linear and the dialogue was crappy.

Something about the controls I couldnt get into. I thought Z locking should have be included

awsome game just got it today from gamestop just started the game hope to beat before i go back to college. now I am waiting resident evil to come out already preoder at game stop it's pay in full so when it comes out all i have to is zip to my gamestop grab my copy the 3 ds has so many awsome games let's see i have super street fighter which I got with my 3ds that was my first game then I got Dead or alive Dimensions this one of the reason Why I brought the 3ds next game I have is the Legend of Zelad ocarina which is my first Zelda game ever but so far is an awsome game now I am just waiting for Resident evil to come out and thats second reason for me buying I the nintendo 3ds .

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