New Japan Advert for Star Fox 64 3D

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.06.2011 7

New Japan Advert for Star Fox 64 3D on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Japan is doing a barrel roll from July with Star Fox 64 reborn on the 3DS in 3D - Nintendo has released a new advert to promote the game.

The 3DS remake gives the Nintendo 64 classic a fresh lick of paint, including updated textures and lighting. There's also option motion/tilt control for those wanting a new way to move Fox McCloud in and chums around and look a slight bit foolish on the train!


July 14's the date for Japanese fans to start buying Star Fox 64 3D, with other regions to follow later this year.

Box art for Star Fox 64 3D








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Ahh, it looks and sounds so good.


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I forgot how awesome Lylat Wars was.

But I'm not buying a 3DS for a port/remake.

I want to see the first one re-made like this. Starfox (Starwing in the UK) is my favourite. I still love it, even if it is horrbly dated. It would be brilliant to see it re-made with better graphics.

Trepe said:
I want to see the first one re-made like this. Starfox (Starwing in the UK) is my favourite. I still love it, even if it is horrbly dated. It would be brilliant to see it re-made with better graphics.

Definitely. Was gonna write up about Starwing in the great games of the past thread, because it seems to be forgotten. I grew up on it so I have a big love for it. Also some of the best music in the series which I'm surprised hasn't been reused. But seeing as SF64 is a remake of Starwing in itself, doubt we'll see Starwing remade.

Looks pretty awesome, will be a day one purchase for me, probably. Pretty sure you guys already know this is one of my favourite N64 games, as well as OoT.
Speaking of which... OOT3D TODAY! Smilie

AND it's co-developed by Q-Games, headed up by Dylan Cuthbert, part of the original Argonaut UK team Smilie

I've just added 15 Japanese screenshots to the media folder. Looking good! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Good GOD! That's epic. Smilie I can't wait! Smilie

Okay, LucasArts HAS to remake Star Wars: Rogue Squadron for 3DS now. They'd be stupid NOT to.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

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