E311 | Bandai Namco Tells Nintendo to Retain 3DS Price

By Adam Riley 12.06.2011 1

E311 | Bandai Namco Tells Nintendo to Retain 3DS Price on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Bandai Namco has told Nintendo to retain the current 3DS price, despite people claiming the device is too expensive. People in Japan have highlighted their dislike of the current price, whilst sales around the world have stuttered somewhat after the initial burst that saw four million units shipped by 31st March, 2011. However, certain Industry folk, such as Carlson Choi, VP of Marketing at Bandai Namco, have different ideas.

It's been a slow start, but that's similar to how DS went in the beginning. We're really close with all the first party companies, but especially Nintendo because our origin of business is in Japan. We know they'll invest heavily in it. It's a big platform they believe in and we believe in it too, so we're going to support it with our key franchises.

The moment you cut the price of the item the perceived value goes down. We'd love to have them retain the price because it keeps the premium status of that product and it allows us to bring premium games to that market.

We're bringing some of our most cherished IPs to the 3DS. I think 3DS is going to have a very big Holiday season this year. Just look at the lineup Nintendo is planning. I think Nintendo feels confident. They're not going to take their foot off the pedal.

Bandai Namco has already had success with Ridge Racer 3D at launch, and has games such as Ace Combat 3D, Pac-Man Party, Tekken, Galaga & Pac-Man Dimensions, and Dream Trigger on the way.

Are you in agreement that the Nintendo 3DS should not see an official price drop so early in its lifespan?

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While I don't agree with him about that perceived premium value stuff, he's dead right on Nintendo's holiday lineup. ALL 3DS sales need is at least one amazing game you can't get anywhere else. My money's on Super Mario 3DS to be that game. Mario Kart 3D will sell shit loads as well though.

( Edited 12.06.2011 18:53 by SirLink )

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