E311 | Activision Backing Wii U Completely

By Adam Riley 09.06.2011 4

E311 | Activision Backing Wii U Completely on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Despite not being on Nintendo's video reel at the E3 conference for developers supporting the Wii U, Activision Blizzard has come out to pledge its strong Third Party support for the successor to Wii.

The official line from Activision Blizzard's CEO, Eric Hirshberg was "We will be supporting the Wii U. You bet against Nintendo at your peril."

Whilst Hirshberg did not follow the steps other publishers have taken in revealing certain Wii U projects, it comes as no real surprise that the world's biggest publisher is backing Nintendo's new console. The key questions are, though, 'Will any games make launch?' and 'Will core franchises make an appearance?'

What would you like to see Activision Blizzard bring to Wii U?

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Diablo 3. Seriously, think about it.

Canyarion said:
Diablo 3. Seriously, think about it.
Mind = Blown. That seems to be just too good to ever happen though...

However, I like his last line. You bet against Nintendo at your peril? Sounds like he's really damn confident in the Wii U based on that.Smilie

Diablo and maybe some kind of new games from SC universum

c.o.d future warfare Smilie

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