E311 | Miyamoto Defies Nintendo, Announces Wii U Pikmin

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.06.2011 7

E311 | Miyamoto Defies Nintendo, Announces Wii U Pikmin on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's been years of waiting for Pikmin fans for news on a third installment. Miyamoto let slip that it is coming, and is for Wii U.

The quirky franchise, developed for GameCube originally, has been continually rumoured for Nintendo's current Wii, and each E3 and major gaming event prompts creator Shigeru Miyamoto to cheerfully reply: "it's on the way!"

This year Nintendo opted to not announce any first part titles for the new Wii U console, instead only a handful of tech demos. That was the plan until Miyamoto felt the need to defy Nintendo bosses and take one for the fans by confirming Pikmin 3 for Wii U during the developer roundtable earlier today.

There are two sides to me today, the corporate side that wants to follow the precedent we set for E3 of not announcing any titles, and the creative side of me that wants to tell you we’re working on Pikmin.

He admitted the decision was made because he felt it was the perfect fit for the system, and would make good use of the "fancy new graphics and the new controller".

"It won't be too long" before it launches, he teased before being dragged off kicking and screaming by Nintendo henchmen*

What do you think of the prospect of a new Pikmin game for Nintendo's Wii U console? Are you a fan of the series?

*This part is untrue.

Box art for Pikmin 3








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There you are. Why not a tiny tech demo.

I think I wasnt as blown away yesterday because all the rumours were true basically. THere was no shock just confirmation. Demos of pikmin and metroid would have got people really excited.

Im really glad its not coming to wii. I cant stand the fact that the wii is terrible at anti alising. Having loads of pikmin on screen on an HD tv is going to look messy.

( Edited 08.06.2011 08:33 by meeto_0 )

Definitely glad this is a Wii U game as well. Can't wait to see what it looks like having a shitload of Pikmin running around in HD. Tis a shame we can't see anything yet, but I look forward to that time when we can.

Seeing as we "won't have too long to wait", this is likely going to be a launch or 'launch window' title!

I think the WiiU controller would be a perfect fit. You could draw routes with the pen or select specific Pikmin using the touchscreen.

What I was looking forward to most was a HD sizzle reel of Nintendo stuff. We got a third party one (they were just 360/PS3 games though) but instead it was just a (pant-wettingly gorgeous) Zelda tech-demo. I was hoping for a big dramatic trailer showing off concepts for everything from Metroid to Mario and Pikmin.

That would have been the jaw dropping high the conference needed. Instead it just felt confusing.

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Lynk said:
What I was looking forward to most was a HD sizzle reel of Nintendo stuff. We got a third party one (they were just 360/PS3 games though) but instead it was just a (pant-wettingly gorgeous) Zelda tech-demo. I was hoping for a big dramatic trailer showing off concepts for everything from Metroid to Mario and Pikmin.

That would have been the jaw dropping high the conference needed. Instead it just felt confusing.

That's for the E3 before the system launches.

The E3 before Wii launched (E3 2006) featured the Nintendo "sizzle reel" (I like that term). The E3 before that (E3 2005 - what this E3 is to WiiU) merely featured the console itself, sans controller or any demos. We actually got a lot more this time around.

( Edited 08.06.2011 17:47 by Sonic_13 )

It's true. The more I have the time to think about the system, the more I'm content with what we've seen (or haven't). We'll see the games next year. I'd like to think we could see something before year's end, like at TGS, but I'm not so sure. At least we know 3rd parties are heavily supporting this console and Nintendo games are going to look amazing. There's still stuff we need to find out from Nintendo, but I would say I'm pretty happy with what I know.

( Edited 08.06.2011 17:52 by Azuardo )

Our member of the week

We should probably wait, we're still a long way from its actual launch. There'll be planty of time for them to reveal more. Probably not any time soon, but I can see them making an Autumn conference for showing off their stuff, like they did in the last few years.

And while they said it wouldn't be for the current fiscal year, I don't expect the console to be released in April 2012 either personally. I wish it will but I doubt it.

( Edited 08.06.2011 22:18 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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